Chapter 9: The Bite

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"Why me?!" Luna talked to herself as she walked blindly through the city. "Share a room?! But he... and I... and, ugh! No, I will NOT give it up! I want a shower dammit! He can sleep in the cart! ... But what if it gets too cold... and he IS kind of attractive so being seen with him couldn't be THAT bad right? LUNA! what the hell are you saying?! Listen to yourself!" She rattled on and on to herself.

Angel followed close behind and was snickering the entire time, several times having to stop since she couldn't breathe.

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" She exclaimed towards Angel. "You... you wanted this!"

"Ab!" Angel grinned and nodded.


"Absol!" Angel laughed.

"Ugh, I need to call my mom and see what she says about this," she fumbled for her phone.

She placed back and forth as she anxiously waited for an answer.

"Hey sweetie!" her mom's voice echoed, "how's your adventure going?"

"It's fine, I guess, sort of, listen, I have a problem..."

"Oh no, what's wrong? Where are you?"

"Ethanburgh, but that's not the problem. The problem is that I've been traveling the past few days with someone and now that we're here there's only one room but I really want and need a shower but I don't want to be mean and kick him out and-"

"Ooooh it's a boy problem is it?" Her mom giggled. "It's about damn time you started looking at something other than your books. You were starting to worry me."

Luna was flabbergasted.

"NO! MOM, just, that's not what I mean! We haven't been traveling together that long and it's weird to even think about-"

"Oh you've been traveling together already?! My how you've grown Luna! Not even two weeks out and you're trying new things. Is he handsome?"

"I-I-I, he, uh, ye- I mean MOM!"

Angel was rolling.

"That doesnt matter!" Luna stammered, "What do I do?! How do I address this? Him?"

"That's up to you sweetie, just remember to use protection."


"What? It's normal! When I was your age I already had seve-"


"Oh sweetie you're being so dramatic. Look... is he nice?"

Luna groaned, "As far as I know, yes" she sighed.

"Is he well mannered?"

"He helped me whenever I was being harassed so... yes? I guess. He's from that family we send starter pokemon to to be trained, you know them?"

"The hard to pronounce D name family? Of course!"

"His name is Jett."

"Oh I've heard about him! He's the youngest member of the family, apparently he's a natural when it comes to training pokemon and almost as socially awkward as you! Oh you two would be such a cute couple!"

"I'm going to hang up now!" Luna freaked out again.

"Oh you stress too much, just loosen up! Have fun!" Her mother laughed, "Love you sweetie! Be safe! Bye!"

"I love you too, bye," she hung up.

Luna looked over towards her Absol who was shaking and in tears from laughter.

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