Chapter 10: A Murder at Dusk

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They held Luna back as she frantically tried to get closer while they wheeled Jett into the building.

"What happened?!" She asked one of the nurses.

"Pokemon attack, but not like any we've ever seen... he's lucky he was close. Now please, let us help him," she turned and walked into the center behind them.

Luna stood clutching her new pokemon tightly to her chest, her mind flooding once again with anxiety and concern.

She stood there, dumbstruck, for a while, until the murmuring of people about her Absol brought her back to reality.

Quickly, she motioned for Angel to follow her as she headed for her cart, the only place she could now think to use to help heal the Vulpix and Growlithe.

In the stable she quickly went to work setting up her wagon for medical care; unfolding one side and preparing a series of ointments, medicine, and sutures.

First she brought out the Vulpix who laid down trembling on the counter. She didnt fight as Luna went to work. First she cleaned up the open wounds on her haunches, applying the medicine and ointment carefully before sewing shut the holes.

"There, that'll stabilize you until the pokemon center calms down a bit," she said as she picked the little fox up and laid her on a cushion, giving her some food and water.

"And now..." she said as she brought the Growlithe out.

It popped out in a sitting position and eyed Luna intensely.

"Easy now," she said as she held out her bit hand. "Look," she pointed at the Vulpix, "your friend is all fixed up and fine."

Growlithe walked over and sniffed the Vulpix who had nibbled on the food Luna gave her.

After a moment it appeared to nod in acceptance and went to sit back down in front of Luna. She looked it over and applied some ointment to his missing fur patches.

"You should be fine for now, but I promise we'll get you two more intensive care whenever Jett's emergency care is over," she trailed off as she felt a wave of worry wash over her.

Growlithe tilted its head and sniffed.

Luna, finally allowing herself to realize what happened, started to cry. Now that the adrenaline had worn off she couldn't help but think of the man that had traveled with and protected her laying in the emergency room with his hand mangled. For the first time in her life the reality and danger of what could happen to her and others grabbed hold of her mind.

The Growlithe was conflicted but Angel picked up on it right away and cuddled up to her, nuzzling her as safely as she could.

Luna fell to her knees and cried into Angel's fur. The Vulpix moved to the edge of the cart to look down at her and whimpered which seemed to calm down the Growlithe.

She spent a little while down here being comforted by her pokemon, both old and new.


She took a nap in the cart for about an hour, exhausted from the day. When she woke up and got herself under control and presentable she called back all of her pokemon and went to check on Jett. The woman at the front desk told her that he was resting in his assigned room which Luna realized was their shared room.

She quickly made her way up and stood outside of the room, hesitant to even open the door. She debated on just going back to the cart and avoiding it all but a shaking from Angel's ball goaded her forward. She readied herself for what she was about to see.

She opened the door slowly and was relieved to see him in stable condition.

His hand was bandaged and lying at his side in a resting position. In a chair beside him sat a Gardevoir who held her hands over his, a pinkish aura pulsing between the two.

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