Chapter 6: Hello Feebas

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Three days.

For three days Luna sketched the river and caught numerous Feebas. Each one she meticulously combed over and checked for health and coloration.

Jett, while slightly irritated, couldn't bring himself to leave and push forward without her. He had no connection with her and yet her unending enthusiasm and patience fascinated him.

After the first night he decided to stay for a day and nurse Treecko more. By the second he quietly admitted to himself he wanted to see where this dedication was going and how it would end. He felt invested.

By the end of the third day he could tell that Luna was getting fatigued and felt her enthusiasm starting to wane. To his surprise she didn't even say a peep to him during this entire tirade. She barely even ate!

The time spent here did give all the pokemon adequate recovery time, however, and Angel and Froakie were fully battle ready again.

Tyrunt was on the starting stages of trusting Jett and her instant aggression had diminished towards him drastically. She was still cautious and didn't take to commands but he had worked to the point where he could touch her snout, albeit he only did it once.

And everyday he worked more with Magikarp, moving far downstream so that he wouldn't interrupt Luna's fishing spree.

It was late in the evening at the end of that third day. Jett had their campfire lit and had Magikarp jumping over it repeatedly when they were startled by a triumphant cry of joy that left Magikarp flopping in Jett's arms as he intercepted him from going into the fire.

"Finally! Success!" Luna exclaimed as she rushed over grasping a larger than average Feebas in her arms. Jett would go so far as to say she was cuddling with it. "This can help me prove my mother's hypothesis!"

Jett looked at the fish who stared back with empty eyes.

"It doesn't look really any different," he squinted as the light from the fire reflected off of its still moist skin.

Take a closer look, she held Feebas forward.

At first glance he couldn't see anything. Its skin was the normal brownish color. At a second look, however, he noticed the fins weren't as vibrant. He couldn't tell at first because of the light of the fire but its fins were a dull grey instead of blue.

"A half shiny?" He asked intrigued.

"Precisely!" She grinned. "There's evidence to suggest now that there are certain genes that dictate the color changes in small ways. It's not just a random mutation but recessive traits coming out! If I can prove it and learn how to breed it I could help in creating vividly colored pokemon that nobody else in the world has!"

"This is actually quite interesting," Jett said as he looked over Feebas.

"I wish I could tell more about it though," she sighed. "As is I have to get to a lab or center to learn more."

Jett pulled out a hand held, red device from inside his jacket and opened it. After a quick scan he recanted the information.

"It's female, 35 pounds, and is about middle aged for a Feebas."

Luna looked at him in awe for a full 10 seconds before punching him in the arm, almost dropping Feebas.

" You dick! You had a pokedex this entire time and you never helped me when I was looking these pokemon over?!"

Jett laughed, "You were so intent I couldn't bare to break you from your trance."

"You could have saved me so much time by doing a quick scan! How did you get one anyway?!"

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