Chapter 17: Conservation

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They made camp at the base of Jett's path to prepare for their trek through the mountains.

That morning Jett looked over the cart.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked as she pulled her jacket into position.

"I think the cart can make it, but it's definitely going to be slow going," he said as he knelt down and inspected the wheels. "Especially if we don't want to damage the wheels. Do you happen to have a spare hidden in there somewhere?"

Luna grinned, "Even better!" she reached into the cart and flipped a switch.

The wheel rims began to shrink down towards the center. When they were about a foot away they began to glow and rotate inwards but the cart didn't move. It began floating in place.

"That's a nice piece of technology you got there... Where did you get that?"

"It's one of the few things the ranch invested heavily into along with the computer system. If we were ever called in an emergency to help take care of someone and their pokemon they wanted to make sure that our carts could make it to any location. The hover tech is both solar powered and charged by the rotation of the wheels so it can keep going for quite a long time! And! We also have a spare!"

"You have surprises yet, Luna," he said as he tested the hover wheels out by pushing down on the wagon. It didn't budge. "I'm impressed."

"It's also one of the reasons why we use Mudsdales for pulling. Their hardy nature and natural sturdiness make traveling through trees, mountains, and muck a breeze! Not even a swamp can slow them down!"

Brownie looked back and shook his head happily in agreement.

Jett slipped some thicker gloves on and zipped up his jacket.

"Ready?" he asked as he took the lead and grabbed hold of Brownie's reigns to guide them.

"Yes!" Luna said as she settled onto the cart seat and tightened up her jacket.

"Yes!" Cassandra replied as she held her muffed hands up in excitement, her cheeks aglow under her hood.

"Excellent," Jett started up the path with Magikarp flailing up the hill alongside them.

The path itself was narrow and surrounded by trees. A small trail was worn down from just enough people utilizing the route. The cart did manage to get stuck but Angel cut open a path just big enough for it to fit. Luckily, they weren't slowed down as much as Jett thought they would be.

"You know," he started up a conversation after they had been traveling for a couple of hours, "In a way I'm kind of glad that we're coming this way."

"Why is that?" Luna looked up from her book.

"Coming up this way allows us to see pokemon that are rather rare whereas the valley path is absent of pretty much any pokemon. With any luck we'll..." he drifted off as he let Brownie's reigns slip out of his hand.

"With any luck we'll what?" Luna asked.

Jett held a finger up to his lips to signify her to quiet down.

Luna's attention perked up.

Cassandra tilted her head out of curiosity before shuddering and sticking her tongue out. "Blech," she grimaced out loud. Luna looked at her even more confused.

Jett got low and crept into the trees slowly.

"What's going on?" Luna mouthed to Cassandra.

"He's found a bug! Gross!"  She said as she crossed her arms tighter. 

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