Chapter 14: The Price of Heroism

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Jett leaned back in the chair that Luna previously used while he was in bed rest and closed his eyes. Luna lay shuddering on the bed connected to a crowd of machines. One of the nurses of the Center checked her vitals as another Gardevoir tended to her left shoulder.

Jett rubbed his eyes and stood up to examine her. Ariados are aggressive hunters and her shoulder showed it. The bite marks were large, both of them about two inches in diameter and about 3 inches apart. Coupled with the dislocation her muscles were horribly torn, allowing the venom to seep in easier. They got her into surgery quickly but there was no doubt she was going to have permanent scars and it would take her a while to regain full control and use of her arm.

The nurse looked up at him and sighed as she slowly approached, "You got her here just in time. The venom got into her major systems and since we needed to do emergency surgery we've been having to take it slow. She's going to make it but she needs to take it slow for a few days while we tend to her. We'll have Gardevoirs around the clock to come in and help heal her... but rebuilding organs that were on the brink of deteriorating will take some time, even with their power."

Jett nodded.

"What were you doing that allowed this to happen?"

He hesitated on answering her, contemplating if he should even say but he gave in.

"We were trying to help a little girl's family that disappeared into the woods and we were ambushed by the spiders."

"I see..."

"She would have went even if I didn't," Jett felt her tone change. "That would have resulted in her guaranteed death."

"Well then I'm glad you got her back in time."

"It wasn't me, it was one of your Gardevoirs," Jett replied.

"Ah, yes, her... It's strange. We didn't give her any sort of orders to leave the Center, in fact before she left she told us that she was resigning from the Center."

"What?" Jett turned to her, surprised.

"She's not my Gardevoir, I don't know anything more than that. I just know that she didn't want to work here anymore but she has to take that up with her trainer which is also the head nurse. It sounds like it was a messy situation."

"I bet..." he said quietly.

"If you need anything else push that button," she pointed to a button next to Luna's bed with a nurse's hat on it.

"I will," he said. "How are our pokemon doing?"

"Another nurse will be in soon with them, they should be fine by now."

"Thank you," he said as she nodded and left the room.

Jett looked back to Luna, the color was still drained from her face. A sling was gingerly wrapped around her right shoulder to keep her left arm stable and immobile. Thanks to the healing powers of the Center's Gardevoirs the wound was already closed and sealed but the tissue was still red and tender with hints of purple and black from bruising and the injected venom.

He adjusted the blanket for her before sitting back in the chair. He looked at his arm which itself was still tender from Tyrunt's attack and massaged it. He was used to this sort of punishment but dealing with poison types was still new to him. Pokemon poison on humans was almost always fatal, another minute or two and Luna definitely wouldn't have made it out alive. Worse is that the antidotes created for pokemon only worked on them and not on humans. Without the psychic types at the Center they would have turned him down, told him there was nothing they could do.

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