Chapter 13: In the Spider's Nest

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Jett gazed up at the cocoon in despair. Luna covered her eyes as she cried, disgusted by the sight before her.

Tyrunt, however, was unfazed by the situation and instead the feathers around her neck ruffled as she bared her teeth and growled. Grovyle, Sentinel, and Angel shared the same reaction.

"Luna..." Jett warned as he moved slowly closer to her, his eyes not leaving the tree tops as they began to move and squirm. "We should be moving now..."

Luna wiped her eyes and followed his vision. Further beyond the boys silk prison were at least a dozen more larger cocoons. Most were of various pokemon but a few were obviously containing the remains of humans.

But what was more horrifying was that beyond the silk cocoons were thousands of moving faces in the trees.

"Are those-" Luna started.

"Spinarak, yes," Jett answered her.

Among the shifting green mass were sprinkled much larger red bodies.

"And Ariados. This is a nest..." he whispered.

The Phantump looked down from its former body and back to Jett before it let out the haunting cry of a child.

"Let's get out of here," Jett urged.

He turned to leave in the direction that they came from and stopped in his tracks. In front of him hovered another white cocoon that slowly moved up the tree. It shifted weakly underneath the silk for a brief moment before convulsing. Within seconds it stopped completely save for an occasional twitch.

A black whisp descended as the sack continued to raise and Jett watched as it absorbed into a nearby tree.

The wood shuttered and split, revealing a single red eye. It moved its roots and started waving its branches. The new Trevenant looked around frantically until its singular eye fell upon the Phantump to which it then let out what Jett supposed was a sigh. The tree moved over and picked the little ghost up, which stopped his crying.

Jett shook his head, "Come on," he helped Luna to her feet.

"Yeah..." she sniffled as she stood.

As she turned her arm was stopped and yanked back, pulling her off her feet. A thick film of web covered her from shoulder to finger tips.

She screamed in surprise and pain as she was being dragged into the dark.

"FURY CUTTER!" Jett yelled out.

Grovyle leapt from his branch in a green flash, glowing blades erupting from his wrists.

He slashed through the webbing but his momentum kept him flying straight into a nearby trap.

"Angel, slash!" Jett commanded as he ran forward to pull Luna to her feet.

The Absol ignored his command out of concern for Luna as she ran towards her too.

As Luna got her feet under her Jett saw Angel at his side and panicked. He looked over to see Grovyle being surrounded by a horde of Ariados and Spinarak.

"Ps-psycho cut," Luna stuttered from pain.

Angel, in a slight daze finally understood and turned towards Grovyle. She swung her head and sent a small flurry of pink energy blades towards the web, deterring the spiders for a moment.

He ran over to the web to try and pull Grovyle free but he was stuck hard.

"Angel! I need your help!" He exclaimed.

"Ab!" She called out and ran over with Luna.

Sentinel, Ember, and Tyrunt circled them as Jett desperately tried to free Grovyle to no avail.

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