Chapter 15: Departure

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Whenever Luna finally fell asleep she slept long into the next morning.

Jett watched over her while he could. As much as he hated to see her in such a state he couldn't stay with her any longer. It was time for him to move on and continue his examination of Tyrunt and to challenge the gym.

He put the T.V. on for noise while he tended to their pokemon and got his things ready for the road. It was the news. An anchorwoman was talking.

"It's been a record setting year this League season with a surprisingly high amount of young trainers seeming to breeze through their first, second, and even third gym battles. Gym leaders are astounded by this turn of events but have also started asking questions. 'Where are these trainers coming from? Why are their pokemon so strong?' We think we have an answer! Genlife, the genetics company that's been researching pokemon, has recently started selling and raffling off pokemon that they claim to be perfectly bred for young and old trainers alike! Supposedly, these pokemon are stronger, faster, more powerful and more durable than anything you can catch in the wild and it would seem that these claims are true, if the recent gym challenges are anythjng to go by. Looks like the Leaders will have to up their game this season in order to level the playing field! Maybe they can receive some pokemon from Genlife as well!

With the start of the league, however, comes the inevitable rise of disease. With so many trainers confident enough to take on the League Challenge the number of sick people and pokemon is on the rise. There's rumors going around of some superbug that makes your pokemon much weaker but there's not enough evidence to substantiate this claim as of yet. Experts are on the lookout for this new virus but as of now we don't have anything conclusive. The pokemon that were affected showed little to no signs of disease beforehand and scans for antibodies have proven fruitless. Take care if you're going to be traveling and keep a close eye on your pokemon!

In other news there are reports that criminal syndicate Team Rocket are on the rise once again but it seems like they're being joined by a nefarious team from the Orre Region! Preliminary encounters from law enforcement suggest that some members have been spotted with a machine on one of their arms that fits the description of a prototype called a 'snag machine' which is capable of taking your pokemon from you!

Between the large turnout of trainers for the League Challenge, a new disease on the rise, and the return of Team Rocket, we urge strong caution among your travels and to avoid interacting with anyone strange or too inviting. If you see a machine on their arm do NOT engage and notify local law enforcement immediately!"

Jett rolled his eyes.

"Pokemon stronger than wild caught? Yeah, right. That's got to be too good to be true."

Grovyle nodded in agreement as he got his bag and gear finished and packed.

Luna began to stir as he set it to the side. He gathered her breakfast that he set aside from earlier and brought it closer for her.

She rolled a bit before sitting up and rubbing her eyes with her right hand.

"Morning," Jett greeted her.

"Morning," she mumbled softly.

"I saved your breakfast," he said as he slid her tray over to her, "fruit and cereal, the breakfast of champions," he smiled.

"Thanks," she said as she slowly picked up her spoon.

"When you're finished eating let's go get you some more clothes like I promised before, and some more supplies for the road!" He placed a set of clothes on the bed. "And we'll get some that will work better for your arm. Make you look like a bad ass samurai!"

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