Your Pokemon Adventure Begins

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Jett stood in a brightly lit lab with his coat draped over his shoulder as he waited for the professor to come out of his office. Machines and computers lined the walls with hundreds of lights flashing at different intervals.

"Always keeping everyone waiting..." Jett sighed as he shrugged and exercised his shoulders.

Five minutes passed before a door at one side of the room opened and a young man stepped out. A white lab coat flowed down to his knees and was buttoned up. A set of glasses hung around his neck and lay on his chest attached by a chain.

"So sorry to keep you waiting," The professor said as he slid his wild, longer, brown hair back out of his face with one hand. "Big day you know, lot's of things going on... new pokèmon being made and..." he trailed off like he normally does whenever he started to think and focus.

"Uh... Professor Willow?" Jett said as he waved his hand in front of the man's face.

"Right yes... the pokèmon... Thank you for coming and doing this for me, Jett... I really appreciate it!"

"Why couldn't you just get one of the young trainers to do this? Isn't that what is usually done?"

"Normally... yes... but this type of pokèmon, according to our studies, is too dangerous to attempt to leave in the hands of a 10 year old... According to our research it was the apex predator of its time. It had no equal. In order to see if we can even train it, much less give it to less experienced trainers, we're going to let you take and work with it. Your family is renowned for their techniques and dedication and I can think of no one better for the job."

A machine buzzed to life and quickly died down as a pokèball with a black top moved down a conveyor belt.

"So this is it?" Jett asked as he picked up the ball and rotated it.

"Yep, that's her. I hope your ready..."

Jett shrugged, "Ready as ever I suppose."

"Oh! Take this one with you too... you'll need a dependable partner for defending yourself," Professor Willow said as he handed Jett a ball with a blue top.

It opened with a bright flash of white light and a Froakie leapt onto his shoulder.

"I remember you," Jett said as he rubbed the little frog's head.

Froakie croaked in response and pushed into his fingers.

"He was supposed to go to a young trainer but he took too much of a liking to you so I figured what the hell? You did train him after all."

"And a better partner I couldn't hope for," Jett smiled.

Froakie croaked in agreement as Jett turned to exit the building. He put his brown leather jacket on and popped up the fur collar behind his neck.

He shrunk the ball with his mystery pokèmon and attached it to his belt before grabbing the pack that lay next to the lab door that held all his traveling needs.

A map, matches, clothes, flashlight, collapsible fishing rod, potions, ethers, some rations and water, a supply of pokèballs, spare fishing rod parts, a first aid kit, and, of course, camping supplies which consisted of a sleeping bag, rope, and cooking utensils all packed away professionally.

He shouldered his pack and stepped onto the dirt trail that led to the next town. With a deep breath he turned to look at his small home village, Froakie perched on his sleeping bag.

"So how should we do this? the traditional way? Get badges, face the league?"

Froakie croaked in agreement and nodded his head.

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