Chapter 8: Ethanburgh

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The light from the morning sun crept over their campsite and onto Treecko, encouraging his tail to open up and absorb the rejuvenating rays.

He hopped out of Jett's arms and went over to his backpack, rummaging for leftover berries for breakfast.

As he sat down to eat Froakie hopped down from his tree where he was watching through the night, his big eyes drooped as he slowly leapt forward. Treecko watched him, happily munching away, as the little frog inched closer.

When he was in range, Treecko held out a handful of berries and nuts for Froakie to take. The little frog's face lit up as he whipped his tongue out to eat one piece of food at a time.

They waved bye and exchanged parting noises as Froakie tapped his ball and disappeared in a flash of light, waking Jett in the process.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes as the little gecko continued munching next to him.

"You're up earlier than usual. You must be starting to feel much better," Jett greeted him.

"Treecko!" he replied, his mouth full.

"Mind helping with camp cleanup today?" He asked.

Treecko nodded.

"Good," Jett stretched as he pulled himself out of his sleeping bag.

The commotion alerted Angel who pawed at Luna, goading her awake.

"By the tree..." Luna muttered sleepily as she hid deeper into her sleeping bag.

Angel huffed and began pushing her with her front paws.

"Noooo..." Luna groaned, "I dont wanna wake up. 'S too early and I'm having a nice dream."

"Ab," Angel said as she rolled Luna over with her horn.

"Fine! I'm up! I'm up, meanie," Luna said as she pushed herself up and rubbed her eyes.

"I figured you would be excited and eager to be up and on the road today," Jett greeted her, "Especially since you can actually shower in a few hours."

"What are you trying to say," she growled.

"That everyone enjoys a nice hot shower when you cant have one for a few days," he told her as Treecko tried to help him roll up his sleeping bag.

"Yeah..." she blinked slowly, her morning crankiness dissipating as she started to process everything more clearly. "That's fair. I'm ready for a shower."

"Me too," Jett smiled, "and a large hot meal. Living off the land is fine, but nothing beats a large pizza or steak dinner after a few days of eating nuts, berries, or whatever pokemon meat you can scavenge."

"Oh man... pizza. Can we order one tonight? I havent had one in so long."

Jett laughed, "After we register at the Center and shower we'll make sure to get some pizza, my treat."

"Awesome," Luna smiled as she crawled out of her bag to get ready.

"So where will you be heading after Ethanburgh?" He asked as he got his pack all sorted and everything strapped in.

"Oh, uh... right," she stammered.

Although it had only been a few days of travel together the thought that it was only a temporary circumstance had completely left her mind.

"Um, I'm not sure, actually. Truth be told I don't know this region very well."

"Right, you're not from here. Well, good news is is that Ethanburgh is one of the largest cities in the region and is connected pretty well in all directions to neighbouring towns and cities."

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