Chapter 21: King

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"Don't you ever do that to me again!!" Luna shouted and began to beat Jett with her sketchbook as his feet hit solid ground. She flailed at him with her good arm with every bit of strength and frustration she had within herself. 

"Ow, mother fu- That hurts!"

"Yeah well you scared the shit out of me!"

A deep rumble from Gyarados sounded suspiciously like laughter. 

She backhanded him one last time, hitting his left arm. Jett crumpled over in pain.

"Fuck!" he cried out as he cradled his hand. 

"I'm so sorry!" Luna gasped as she knelt down beside him. "What's wrong?!"

"Really?! You beat me and then try to console me?!" he hissed through pained breaths.

"It's a lot to take in right now! I'm sorry!"

Jett focused on breathing and calming the pain, "I'll be fine," he sighed after a moment. "It's just where Tyrunt bit my arm. The exertion and cold got to me at the top and I almost..." he trailed off and chose his words carefully. "I almost lost strength but managed to push through."

Gyarados cocked his head and looked at him, to which Jett subtly shook his head.

"It hurts but it'll be fine with time, especially if Cassandra tends to it," he continued. "But right now, I think I just need to rest," he let his head collapse in the grass. 

"Alright, I'll leave you be for now, but you haven't heard the end of this!"

"Oh, I know," he smiled as his breathing slowed and his muscles relaxed.

"By the way, I get exclusive breeding rights to your Gyarados!"

Jett began chuckling and Luna joined in and for a couple of minutes they just enjoyed the moment.

As the laughter subsided Jett faded out of consciousness.

Larvesta soon shuffled up to him and sat on his chest. Luna looked over at Sentinel and Ember and motioned for them to come over. Without having to say anything they took up a position on either side of Jett and curled up next to him, keeping him warm.

Luna walked up to Gyarados and admired him.

"I know Jett doesn't give his pokemon a nickname, but something as rare and powerful as you deserves one!"

She thought for a moment.

"I know! What do you think of Sovereign?"

He tilted his head.

"It means most powerful one," she explained. 

A deep thrum emanated from Gyarados's throat.

"Do you like it then?!" Luna asked gleefully.

He softly nodded his head.

"Then that's what I'll call you! Sovereign!"

All of Jett's pokemon came up to look at him.

Corviknight sized him up and bowed in acceptance.

Grovyle hopped up on Sovereign's head and gave him a welcoming embrace to which the Gyarados rumbled happily.

But Tyrunt...

She gazed up at him, wary eyed. She took a few tentative steps back, her legs trembling. Sovereign met her gaze and returned it, his piercing red eyes stood out from his dark coloration, accentuating his intimidating aura. For the first time, Tyrunt felt and knew fear. 

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