Chapter 7: Tyrunt's Reveal

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Although they only had a half day's travel to Ethanburgh left they decided to cut it early for the day due to the fatigue of the three days prior.

Jett set up the campsite and sent Froakie and Treecko once more to forage, this time also with Magikarp.

"You trust him to go with them?" Luna asked as they moved a fallen log closer to their fire site.

"Undoubtedly," he replied with the utmost confidence. "It'll help him grow stronger and help teach him to hunt after he evolves."

"Pretty sure there's a big difference between a Magikarp foraging for berries and a Gyarados hunting fish."

"You're not wrong," he said as he stood upright from the placed log. "But there's an even bigger difference between being fed constantly to finding your own food. I always train my pokemon to forage as much as possible, just in case."

"What about Tyrunt?"

"She's a special case. She's unstable even under my watch. If I sent her out to hunt I might not see her again as she may just wander off or someone may become her dinner."

"You've told me about her, but what exactly is she? You always keep your training hidden from me."

Jett stopped and thought for a moment.

"You're aware of prehistoric pokemon, yes?" He asked.

"Of course! They've made several discoveries recently, one being a herbivore in colder regions and another that was supposed to be a predator without equal!" She said excitedly.

Jett looked at her in anticipation.

Luna looked back until it clicked.


"Yes," he tossed the black ball that contained Tyrunt to the side.

Her two feet clawed the dirt as the light dissipated.

"Make sure Angel is ready to protect you and her, just in case," he warned as he stepped between them.

Tyrunt shook her head and gazed in front of her, sniffing the air as her head bobbed from side to side.

"Tyrunt," he called.

The dinosaur turned her head and began to approach him, still cautious.

Then Luna and Angel caught her eye.

She stopped mid step and slowly lowered her foot.

Immediately, Angel sensed the hostility and her fur stood on end. A white shimmer began forming on her bladed horn.

"Tyrunt," Jett used his commanding voice.

The theropod glanced over at him and a wave of confusion washed over her face.

"Stand down girl," he calmed her to which Tyrunt relaxed her posture, if slightly.

Angel, in turn, stood down.

Suddenly, Tyrunt's eyes widened and she lunged forward, snapping her jaws at the Absol.

"Stand down!" Jett commanded as he intercepted her snout, one hand on her jaw and the other on her nose.

Luna gasped in surprise as Angel stumbled back, flinched by the attack.

With all the strength Jett could muster he planted his feet and twisted his body, rolling Tyrunt on her side.

From his position he called her back as she scrambled back to her feet.

As she disappeared in red light he slumped back to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Oh my Arceus..." Luna finally managed to gasp. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he sat up to notice she was talking to Angel. "Figures," he followed up.

Luna looked her over as Angel trembled. She was fine, just scared.

Jett stood up and dusted himself off, "that was Tyrunt."

"That's just a juvenile?!"

"I'm afraid so."

"I've never seen such aggression so quickly..."

"When Angel let down her guard she was seen as prey and Tyrunt attacked. Happens too often with the more aggressive creatures. You can usually avoid this stage of training by raising them from birth but as it is now, prehistoric pokemon are partially grown whenever they're cloned in order to survive the process, which means her full instincts are in tact. This, coupled with her being an apex predator in her time, means she can't understand fear like the other discovered fossil pokemon, well, other than Aerodactyl. But you have us to thank for that one as well," he winked. "Although... Aerodactyl primarily ate fish and as such wasn't nearly as hostile as this one," he held up her ball.

"What about the rest?" She was intrigued.

"All prey or mellow creatures. This is the first pokemon I've ever seen that doesn't have nor ever had any predators of its own... She was the queen of her time."

"How are you going to control her?"

Jett thought for a moment before giving a solemn response.

"I don't know..."

It gave Luna a shiver.

"But if I don't try, then what kind of dragon tamer would I be?" He laughed it off.

"You're eerily cheery for someone who almost died..."

"Hazards of the world," he shrugged. "It's actually more safe and sensical for me to train dragons with my family at my age then giving a preteen a single pokemon, wishing them the best, and sending them off without supervision."

Luna wanted to refute, but he had a great point.

"Most don't make it," he continued. "They go back home and help with the family, or they break off to make their own living, some don't ever make it back. But there have been a few, I'm sure you've heard of them, that go on to achieve some extraordinary feats. I heard a story of a young boy who, not only beat the Elite 4 and became a league champion, but defeated an entire criminal organization. Had I not seen it on the news I never would have believed it... He did more in one year than most trainers will do in their entire life, than most people even!"

"You sound like you admire him."

"I do! Who in their right mind wouldn't?! At the age of 11 he had clear goals and achieved them and kept going! That kid should be a damn inspiration to us all! It's stories like his that keep me on my toes and encourages me to be a better trainer. If he can do all that, I can handle a dragon or two."

"That is admirable... I wonder why we didnt hear about that in Unova."

"We barely heard about it here but didn't Unova have some other kind of weird thing going on? The news coverage on that was distorted and back and forth all over the place."

"Yeah, but my mom was smart and hid away until it all died down. It's also one of the many reasons why we moved back here. It's a calm place where nothing strange really happens. No reality bending pokemon coming back to life to wreak havoc on the masses. No crazy terrorist groups. It's nice to be able to take a walk through the country without worry."

"I'm just as thankful, believe me," he said as his pokemon shuffled through the foliage with handfuls of berries and nuts. "Could you imagine how difficult dragon taming would be if we had to deal with that kind of nonsense?"

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