Chapter 11: The Power Within

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Jett was once again laying unconcious in the bed with Luna sitting in the chair beside him.

It had been 2 hours since the attack and Luna was waiting anxiously for their pokemon to be returned. After Jett's and Luna's wounds were tended to the staff insisted on taking full care of the pokemon that fought off the murder of Murkrow.

Luna was exhausted but she couldn't bear the thought of even trying to sleep until her pokemon were returned. She fidgeted on her phone for a bit, debating on calling her mother to let her know what happened but decided against it in case she disturbed Jett.

She looked up at him. He was knocked out completely. The staff really didn't want him walking out again.

"You know, that's the second time you've selflessly stood up for me and Angel..." she mumbled. "What makes you so different from others? Everyone else just stands around and watches... is superstition that strong here?" She trailed off and started talking to herself. "It seems the older crowd is in much more control than the younger, almost as if they're afraid."

She was interrupted by a knock on the door followed by it slowly opening.

The same Gardevoir that tended to Jett the first time floated in with a tray filled with pokeballs.

"They are all tended to and their injuries should heal up quickly and nicely. I'd recommend giving them a day of full recovery to be safe," The calming womanly voice echoed in Luna's mind. "You can rest easy now," she smiled.

"Thank you," Luna sighed with relief as she took her pokemon back.

"Please forgive the humans around here for abandoning you... they're fear holds them back and clouds their judgement. They've lived long with their superstitions and their beliefs, and they're minds are hard to change... even when we've tried."

"So I've noticed..." Luna sighed. "It's like the older generation are fighting to keep the old ways and the young are trying to move forward, but why don't they do more? Why do they back down?"

"Fear of being disowned or punished. Fear of losing their family. There's lots of proud families living in this region, longstanding pride at that, and to lose that connection, for some, is to lose everything."

"I see," Luna released her pokemon, and let them find a place to lay down and rest.

"If you'll excuse me I have to tend to other patients, it was nice talking to you, Luna."

"It was nice talking to you too... what's your name?"

The Gardevoir stopped.

"No ones ever asked me that before... I dont know," she hesitated before floating out of the room.

Luna watched her leave before releasing Jett's pokemon next.

Both Frogadier and Grovyle lightly leapt onto the bed to check on him.

After inspecting him, and making sure he was stable enough for their liking, they both nodded to each other and curled up together at his head.

Luna smiled as she brought out her Feebas and started grooming her, taking care to make sure her slime layer didnt drop everywhere. She removed the excess in the shower and slicked the rest to give her a glossy sheen that accentuated her shiny colors.

"There you go, nice and clean and beautiful," she smiled as she pat Feebas on her top fin. "You're name is going to be Allura, for beauty. A name you can grow into to cast your glamour to the world!"

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