Chapter 4: Ignorance and Arrogance

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"I can't believe I just did that," Luna pretended to be busy going through her bag as Angel laughed on the side.

She randomly moved things around until she felt enough time had passed that people were ignoring her again, well, besides the hushed whispers due to Angel.

The sky was turning orange, finally, and Luna was alerted to the time by a sudden, small growl from her stomach.

She went to the attached restaurant to order some food. On her way she noticed the man from earlier seem surprised as he found what appeared to be another secret stash of berries in an inner pocket of his jacket.

"What a pair," she remarked as she sat at the counter for her order.

She had only got about halfway through her meal before she heard a commotion somewhere outside.

But then there was an all too familiar cry that jolted her from her plate. It was the startled whinny of a Mudsdale.

In a flash she rushed back to her bed and grabbed her bag before she sprinted outside.

Jett noticed as well and had already put his boots back on and shouldered his sack. He knew if anything was going down his expertise would be of assistance somehow.

Luna and Angel dashed over to the field where Mudsdale was grazing to find two younger boys throwing rocks at him. Simultaneously there was a Pancham and a Lillipup attacking him as well. The Pancham was on his back, hitting him repeatedly while the Lillipup but at his ankles carefully.


"You brought the monster down from the mountains!" One of the boys turned and retorted, "We want you gone! You AND your Absol!"

Luna growled.

"Angel, use night slash! Get them away from Mudsdale!"

The Absol jumped into the air, her horn glowing dark purple as she sent a crescent shaped bolt of energy flying at Mudsdale's feet.

It hit, sending rocks and dust scattering all around. The two smaller pokemon retreated back to their owners.

"You should never attack someone else's pokemon unprovoked!" She yelled. "And for the record, Absols are harmless!"

"Shut up! I'm not going to listen to you! Nobody ever heard a roar like that until you brought that THING around here!" The owner of the Pancham yelled.

The Lillipup trainer interrupted, "Lillipup, use take down!"

Without a second thought the little dog rushed Angel but was just a little too slow as Angel dodged to the side.

"Angel, slash," Luna said through gritted teeth.

A white crescent was flung from her horn this time that hit the Lillipup right in the side. The fur absorbed most of the hit but it was obvious some had been sliced off.

With her attention diverted Luna didn't see the Pancham approach Angel and hit her with a karate chop.

Angel let out a howl as it connected full force into her back.

"Use vital throw next," the kid yelled.

"Angel, slash at Pancham this time."

Angel turned and directly brought her horn down on the Pancham and hit it squarely on its tough fur.

The little panda smirked, however, as it grabbed Angels legs and rolled her around, lifting her and slamming her into the ground with a groan.

"Angel!" Luna cried out.

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