𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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"May I ask who you are?" The nurse asks as she walks with us, wheeling him through a hospital.

"I'm his uh... roommate. I'm his roommate." I say, not really knowing another way to put it.

"Ok hun, I need to know as much as you can tell me." She says as she hands me a paper and a pen, oh shit. Kate should have come.

"His name is Malakai Bailey but he goes by Kai, he's 26, um... I'm sorry that's all I know." I say as I look at the questions.

"That's alright, at least we have his name and age, we can get things from that. Does he have family coming?" She asks as she leads me into a room where they start hooking him up to machines.

"Uh ya, his mom is coming. She should be here soon." I say as I nervously look out the door. The nurse nods and gently takes the papers.

"Can you tell us what happened? All we know is a car crash." She says as she holds the pen to the clipboard.

"It was a drag race. He got into an argument beforehand and was so angry, he said he couldn't take his foot off the gas and he wrapped the car around a pole." I explain as they cut his suit off and put it to the side.

I look away as the nurse nods calmly. She must be the one who asks questions and has to distract you from what's going on.

"They said he was freaking out earlier, wanting someone named Roxi. Is that you?" She asks. I nod. "Ok Roxi, we can't have you stay in here for much longer so I'm going to walk you to the front and we can talk to his mother, sound good?"

I nod as I stare at him laying on the bed, covered in blood and a weird gown on him. He looks awful, at least he's not awake to feel it but he looks like he's in so much pain.

"Honey, I think it's time to go. Let's go wait outside ya?" The nurse asks as she leads me out, handing me a wipe to clean the blood on my hand. We see Kate as she runs over and hugs me, looking at the bloodied wipe.

"You're Malakai's mother yes?" The nurse asks.

"That's me, how's he doing? Is he alright?" She asks as she holds my hands.

"He passed out from the pain but he's stable right now. We need you to answer the questions on this page for us, just the basics."

Kate nods as we sit down and she starts filling out the page, letting me look at it to make sure it's readable with her shaking hands.

"I knew he had anxiety but depression too?" I ask as she points to a spot for me to read. She nods slowly.

"Runs in the family." She says sadly. I frown as I hug her and she rests her head on my shoulder, finishing the page.

"If you ever need a friend I'm just a phone call away." I say as she smiles and kisses my head. She hands the paper to the nurse as we sit quietly and wait. "Where's Brooke?" I ask.

"Her and Jonah are pretty rough, Cliff kept saying he did it for attention." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Why would he say that? He's supposed to be Kai's dad." I frown as she nods.

"He hasn't always been like this. It was once we had Brooklyn he started acting like Kai was a disgrace." She says. I purse my lips as she looks down. "You can keep a secret right?"

I nod as she takes my hand and wipes her eyes. "You can tell me anything." I say comfortingly.

"I want out. I want to leave him but I'm so scared that he'll take everything, including my babies." She whispers. I hug her as she sobs into my shoulder, her tears soaking through my shirt.

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