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"Kai!" I shout from downstairs, hoping he can hear me over the sound of the shower. I groan in pain as I call him for what feels like the hundredth time. I take deep breaths and feel thankful when the door opens.

"He Roxi." River says as he puts stuff down on the table.

"River, thank god. Can you go get Kai? He's in the shower." I ask as I swallow. When he finally looks at me his face drops.

"Are you ok? You're really sweaty." He says as he feels my head.

"I'm fine dipshit! I've just gone into labour and my boyfriend can't hear me shouting!" I yell. He nods and stands up, running upstairs as I groan and hold my stomach, feeling the first pretty strong contraction.

"Roxi, hey." Kai says as he runs over and helps me sit up. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you down here while I showered. You just looked so comfy while you slept and-"

"Kai, I love you to death but I'm going to scream at you if you keep talking and not helping me to the hospital." I say as I wince.

"I-I'm so sorry. Uh... the bag. You packed a bag." He says frantically as he starts running around the house. I hear River sigh and see him roll his eyes.

"Kai, it's right here! I put it here last week remember?" He asks as he helps me up and Kai comes back. He grabs the bag and starts helping me to his car to head to the hospital.

"Hurry up!" I shout at River as he gets in the back taking his sweet ass time.

"Sorry sorry, do you want me to call Brooke and Jonah?" He asks as I groan and Kai looks at me nervously.

"Please." I respond as I take deep breaths. I listen to River on the phone with Brooke before it switches to Jonah.

"Thank god Tavia slept over at Archer's with the boys." I sigh as we pull into the hospital lot. River gets out and helps me as Kai goes to park the car.

"Hi, ya so she went into labour and kinda needs a room like, right now." River says to the front desk.

"Alright honey, just sit in this wheelchair and we'll take you to a room." The nice nurse says as she takes us down the hall. I cry in pain as I squeeze River's hand and groan.

"Nice grip Roxi." He jokes as he helps me lay on the bed.

"I'm sorry. Your hand is ok right?" I ask as it seems to settle down for a bit.

"I'm just messing with you, I'm fine. Brooke will be here in 10 and the boys in 5. I'll go get Kai so just hang in there for a few minutes ok?" He asks me calmly. I nod as he walks out and the nurse starts helping me into a hospital gown and put my feet it the stirrups.

"Roxi?" Kai asks when he walks in, looking down as he holds my hand. "Are you ok? River said you were squeezing his hand a lot." He asks as he wipes my hair from my damp face.

"I'm managing not to cuss and that's the best I can give you right now." I say as I groan and practically scream at another contraction. "This... this feels to much like when I had Tavia. Can I please hold your hand?" I ask as I look up to Kai.

"Of course my love, of course." He says as he holds my hand and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Roxi, you're already at 9 centimetres. You're too far along for an epidural." The nurse says as the doctor comes in.

"I didn't have one last time and I don't need one now." I groan as I take a deep breath. I keep a hold of Kai's hand, reminding myself that I'm not alone this time.

"It's ok Roxi." He whispers as he kisses my head.

"Where's Brooke? She promised she'd be here and I don't want to do this without her." I say as my eyes water and I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate.

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