𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖝

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"Ooh, cute colours!" Louanne exclaims as she walks over to grab some bowls to wash.

"Thanks, Tavia picked them out." I say as she smiles and watches as I colour Kai's hair. He looks at the turquoise and pink and smiles at me as Tavia giggles.

"Is it my turn yet?" She asks as she sits patiently in her chair, playing with her fidget toys and the sensory bottle we brought.

"Almost. Do you want it the same as Kai's?" I ask. She nods, looking at the half dark turquoise and half dark pink on his head.

"Can mine be brighter though?" She asks. I chuckle and nod.

"His hair was brown again but yours is a lot lighter, it'll be brighter on you." I say as she smiles and nods.

"Pizza's here!" Louanne shouts from the front. The boys who have been sitting quietly in the back both perk up and smile before running off.

"Jonah seems happier lately." I say as I sit Tavia in the chair. Kai nods and stares at my hands as I start colouring her hair.

"Didn't you see the ring from Archer?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow as he laughs. "Guess not. Right before they left for the road trip Archer was asking Brooke and I which ring we thought Jonah would like."

"Aw, that's cute." I say with a smile. "I can't believe they extended the trip, Brooke said she had to stop to pee every two hours." I chuckle.

"Isn't three weeks a lot? I mean ya they're back today but she's pregnant." He says. I shrug.

"Brooke's always been an active girl. I bet she'll be working up until a few weeks before." I say as he nods. "So tell me the truth, how have the meds been working?" I ask.

"Who's meds? Mine or Tavia's?" Kai asks as he looks up confused. I chuckle and nod to him. "Oh, mine are good. I mean, I don't feel like having a panic attack right now even though it's a little busy."

"That's awesome baby, how'd they work when you took Jonah to the mall? I know you were stressing about it." I ask. He nods and smiles, the same smile that hasn't left his face since our talk this morning.

"I was nervous in busy stores but Jonah just dragged me around until he had his stuff. Then we went to the candle place to shop for you guys and I calmed down." He says. "Sorry, I feel like I'm talking a lot..."

"Don't apologize, talk as much as you want. I love hearing your voice." I say with a smile. He nods and watches closely as I finish Tavia's hair. "Ok sweetheart, we're going to wait until the big hand is on the 8 ok?" I ask. She nods and sits in the chair as I walk up front and grab us all pizza, the boys coming back with me.

"Will my hair look like yours mommy?" Tavia asks as she looks at my similar hair.

"Kind of, yours is turquoise and pink and mine is orange and pink." I say. She nods and eats her pizza as we watch the clock.

"When do they get back?" Jonah asks as he finishes eating and looks at his newly blonde hair.

"Today. Brooke said they have a surprise too." I say. He nods as Kai taps my arm and points to the clock, telling me it's time. I walk over to the sink and he lays back, smiling as I use the coconut products and start rinsing his hair. Archer comes over and watches, asking questions as I go.

"Won't the colour mix when they touch like that?" He asks. I shake my head and show him how it doesn't mix.

"The water is pretty much just rinsing it off. It's not giving it time to penetrate the hair and change the colour." I explain. He nods as Tavia walks over.

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