Through the Mists

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A fog has settled
Kept me in its grip
Something out there watches
Waiting for me to slip

I stare out this window
Looking at an unforgiving land
The air I breathe is fetid
And I can barely stand

Only a lowly plain to catch my eye
Underbrush and thorns unfurl
Hateful weeds churn below my glass
Bending and twisting up they curl

I cannot sleep as they plot
Another attempt to steal away
Any possible happiness or joys
That might have come my way

I wish for skies unending
And seas as blue as those skies
Mountains reaching upward
Kissed by the clouds drifting by

I want to bury roots
In earth that is clean
I want to breathe an air
That is unblemished and pristine

Forget that there are liars
Beggars throwing sand
Trying their best to fight dirty
Wanting us to bend upon command

In the distance my gaze sees North
Glittering beams of light
Dazzle at the waters edge
And it feels so very right

My feet they ache to travel
And leave this forsaken waste
To sleep below the stars
I wish for us to make haste

My heart it counts down
The days that are left here
The days that stay the same
Full of hot and putrid fear

Through the mists
Onward to flowered shores
A chance to break this heavy chain
A new hope that needs explored

Never shall we darken
The likes of here again
To the place beyond this mist
Leaving behind the pain

A place where we are simply
Who we wish to be
A place where we are welcomed
Where we are beautiful and free

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