My Tormentor

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The lessons you taught to me

Were delivered with the pound of your fists

My life was shadowed by your reign

Your lording over me

Was a cancer and a cyst

I stared out the window at the sun

The clouds gathered over my head

Gray and lonely I sat alone

A girl unworthy wishing to be dead

Blue skies so out of reach

Lost in torment and fear

Walking on eggshells and afraid to speak

Every word is a wrong turn here

I put on that fake smile

Just to play my part

I hid the darkest bruises

Like I hid my broken heart

I stood on pins and needles

Astride this ledge, just one leap away

Away from freedom and hope

A new beginning and a new day

I walked forward and never looked back

I said goodbye to the villainy of you

I said goodbye to the tormentor, the monster

The one that to me, not even once was true

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