Chapter 37: Request

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It was the start of free time and you were walking around the campus thinking about what Kokichi said about the meteorites and what Himiko and Tsumugi said about him. You got a sick and bad feeling from it and you felt like your stomach was in knots.
"Y/N what's wrong?" A concerned voice asked you looked and saw Miu with a very concerned expression on her face.
"Oh umm just thinking about what Tsumugi and Himiko said about Kokichi." You answered.
"I doubt they would try anything." Miu said.
"I mean yeah why would anyone try to hurt Kokichi?" You asked.
She looked at you and had a slight laugh. "You met him right? I mean he can get on people's nerves but those idiots I doubt would actually do anything because they don't have the guts so don't worry about it too much." Miu reassured placing her hand on your shoulder.
  "I'll try not to." You stated looking off in the distance. 

You and Miu went your separate ways and as you continued walking you looked and noticed Gonta and he waved at you.
"Hello Y/N." Gonta said with a cheery smile.
"Hi Gonta what are you doing?" You asked trying to mask your sad thoughts with a smile.
"Gonta looking for bugs Gonta saw a tiny now Gonta looking for it." He answered continuing his search. He then looked at you confused. "Y/N are you sad? Don't be sad Y/N Gonta can protect you!"
  You sighed and frowned. "I don't need protection but I do need to ask you for a favor."
"Anything." Gonta smiled.
"I-I don't trust Himiko or Tsumugi." You admitted with a frown.
"Why not they're friends." Gonta said confused.
"Because of now like happy they were about it Kokichi died and it makes me worried." You said.
"What can Gonta do?" Gonta asked.
"Protect Kokichi for me please." You stated with a small smile.
"Wh-what?!" Gonta gasped.
"I-I know Kokichi might not be the easiest person to deal with at times but he does have a method for his madness. He has good intentions but sometimes it doesn't come out right. I care about him more than I care about myself so please just keep an eye out for him and protect him that's my request please accept it." You looked at Gonta and Gonta was a bit taken back about the request  you made and then he smiled.
"Y/N is a good person and a good friend so Gonta will accept this request. It's what a gentleman would do!" Gonta smiled. "Y/N you remind me of a monarch butterfly. Pretty, full of strength, trustworthy and Gonta believe Y/N will point us to right direction and Y/N is guiding light everyone need to get out of here."

You smiled at the compliment and you hoped that was true. "Thank you so much Gonta." You then walked off remembering the words Gonta said. "I'm going to point you guys to get right path and be a guiding light I hope so but that implies I know the right path myself." You thought.
As you were walking you went to the fifth floor and something about it creeped you out. You didn't know if it was all the creepy poison and how to get away with murder books in Shuichi's lab or the fact that Tsumugi obviously doesn't like Kokichi and her lab is up here or if it was because there was a room that you couldn't enter because the door was locked but something about the fifth floor creeped you out. You were walking by Shuichi's lab and you saw Shuichi was inside his lab.
"Shuichi!" You called out and the detective dropped his book and screamed. When he looked at you he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh Y/N come in." Shuichi smiled.
You went inside and you picked up the book and you noticed that it was a psychology book.
"What are you the ultimate psychiatrist?" You joked.
"Monokuma just didn't know what to put in here." Shuichi chuckled.
"But I guess it's always helpful to know about psychology there's nothing bad about learning." You smiled.
"Y-yeah that's true. Maybe after I'm done you can read it." Shuichi offered.
"Oh I would love to I'll definitely take you up on that offer." You replied.

"What offer?" A familiar voice asked. Shuichi was startled and jumped again and you turned and saw Kokichi with a small smile on his face and his arms behind his head.
"Oh about Y/N reading a book." Shuichi answered.
"Geez Kokichi you almost scared the poor guy to death." You giggled and Shuichi was embarrassed with his face a blushing mess.
"Neeheehee sorry Shuichi but I was looking for Y/N and I didn't know where she went off to." Kokichi said.
"I've been around campus talking to people." You answered and then you saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes.
"Oh so you can talk to people and not your boyfriend. WAHHHHH YOURE SOOO MEAN!" Kokichi faked cried.
Shuichi got close to your ear and whispered. "I think he's jealous. You should go hang out with him."
"Oh Kokichi you know I always have time for my favorite person." You smiled and hugged him.
"Okay I'm better now." Kokichi said kissing your cheek. "But what would be even better is if we walk to the dorms together because it's almost nighttime and I want to spend even more time with you." Kokichi smiled wrapping his arm around you and walking out of Shuichi's lab. You looked back and mentally said goodbye and apologized for Kokichi's jealousy and Shuichi waved goodbye.

"Geez why are you hanging with him?" Kokichi asked annoyed.
"Because he's a friend." You said.
"He isn't trustworthy." Kokichi argued.
"I didn't say he was. I said that he was a friend." You stated.
"So he's an untrustworthy friend?" Kokichi asked.
"Yeah I mean he is the ultimate detective he does have his uses." You smiled. You pulled Kokichi in for a kiss. "You're all I want and I only have eyes for you you don't have to be jealous." You winked.
Kokichi blushed and then looked away. "I am not jealous! J-jealous of him. What does he have that I would be jealous of? M-me jealous?! No!"
You giggled at his reaction and you placed your head on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around you.
"B-but even if I was if being...jealous gets me this then I'd be jealous more often." Kokichi blushed not meeting your gaze. You hummed in response with a small blush appearing on your face and the both of you made it to the dorms.

You looked at him and saw a frown on his face.
"Well I guess I'll have to wait until morning to see your pretty face again." Kokichi sadly said.
"It's only a dream away." You smiled and Kokichi pulled you in for a goodnight kiss and it was a bit long.
"Geez you two you will see each other in the morning." Kaito sighed.
"Yeah it's not like it's forever." Maki said in disgust.
"Maybe you two should just kiss and go out and you'll understand what it feels like to be in a relationship." Kokichi laughed causing Kaito and Maki to blush.
"D-do you want to die?" Maki glared.
"Ooo was that a stutter." Kokichi laughed.
"You have a one of a kind boyfriend." Maki rolled her eyes and went into her room and Kaito embarrassed went into his room.
"At least I'm not boring right?" Kokichi asked.
"Of course you're not boring." You smiled and pulled him in for another kiss.
"Relationship goals!" Miu yelled. "Get your man Y/N!"

You and Kokichi looked at each other embarrassed and Miu laughed shutting her door.
"I'll see you in the morning." You said and hugged him.
"See you in the morning." Kokichi smiled.
The two of you went your separate ways and you laid on your bed and you kept thinking about Kokichi. You fell asleep but then you heard someone at your door. You rubbed your eyes realizing it was still nighttime.

You were confused to say the least. You were wondering why someone was up at this hour and what they wanted with you. You slowly made your way to the door you were a bit nervous.
"What if it's a killer?" You wondered. You shook those thoughts out of your head and feelings your heart beat quicken you breathed in and opened the door. When you did there wasn't a person there but a note. You picked it up and you read it and your eyes widened and you gasped as you read what was written.

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