All It Cost Her

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After waking up from that dream with Miu you knew you had to find Kokichi and Kaito and stop whatever scheme they were thinking of. Before you went you made a poison that would protect you using a bit from Shuichi's lab and with a poisonous plate from your lab. You raced around the campus looking until you finally went to the exisal hangar where the hydraulic press was. The door was open and when you went in you looked at the hydraulic press and you saw blood and Kaito's coat.
"Kaito?!" You screamed in horror.
"No I'm alive. Who's actually there is..." Kaito sighed.
"No it can't be is it Kokichi?" You asked horrified your E/C eyes going wide and the world was spinning around you as he nodded yes. You couldn't stand anymore and you fell on the floor sobbing.
"And because you know I'm sorry Y/N." Kaito apologized not looking at you as he walked over with a weapon in his hand.  You were too scared to scream so you just closed your eyes still profusely crying.

Shuichi's POV
It was morning and I decided to go to the dining hall well I forced myself because if I didn't I probably wouldn't get up again. When I arrived at the dining hall I saw Himiko, Tsumugi, K1-B0 and Maki but Kokichi, Kaito, and Y/N were no where to be found.
"Has anyone seen Y/N?" I asked perplexed as to why she wasn't here.
"I haven't seen her though I am worried about her." Maki sighed.
"As am I after losing Miu Y/N was never the same and now finding out her boyfriend is the mastermind of this killing game I can only imagine how she's holding up." K1-B0 commented.
"Nyeh I checked her room this morning but she wasn't in there." Himiko frowned.
"She wasn't in her room?" Tsumugi asked.
"Are you being serious?!" I asked worried.
"Yep Im being serious I was going to check on her because she seemed so distraught but she wasn't in her room." Himiko frowned.
"That's quite...concerning." K1-B0 said.  "Should we go looking for her?"
"Yeah who knows what Kokichi did to her." Maki said.
"Alright let's search for Y/N!" I yelled and then raced out the room. Everyone was looking for her and calling her name. It wasn't like her to just hide away but after was almost as if she lost hope until Maki,Kaito, and I extended our hand and she had Kokichi but after Kokichi announced he was the mastermind. I saw something in her just completely vanish.  She lost all hope.  Everyone looked for her but we couldn't find her anywhere in the academy not even in Miu's lab where Y/N would frequently go to to remember her best friend.
  Everyone met up in the courtyard.
"Did you find her?!" I yelled at them and they all shook their head no.
"She's no where in the academy." K1-B0 stated.
"We haven't checked the exisal hangar maybe we should go there." Maki suggested.
"She's right that's the only place we haven't checked yet." Tsumugi agreed.
"Do we have the electro hammer?" Himiko asked.
"Right here." Maki said hanging it to me.
"Then let's go!" K1-B0 yelled.
Everyone frantically ran and we saw the barrier was up and I noticed the control panel was also messed up.
"Shuichi hurry up!" Maki barked.
"Alright!" I yelled and swung the electo hammer and hit the control pad. When the barrier turned off and we entered the room we all froze with fear and shock when we saw Kaito's coat hanging out the hydraulic press soaked with blood.
"What?" I barely spoke out and the body discovery announcement played. It was real we had to investigate Kaito's death but then I noticed a bloody knife and it wouldn't have to be used for Kaito since he was crushed. When I realized that it could be Y/N's blood my whole body went cold and it felt as if I didn't have a heartbeat.
"Maki handle it here!" I barked and ran out and I ran as fast as I could until I saw what looked like to be a grave.
"Y/N!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I raced to the grave and I saw her lab coat sticking up from the ground and I fell to the ground crying.
"Y/NNNN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs crying my eyes out and the others ran to me.
"Why are you-!?" K1-B0 yelled and then looked to see.  Then the body discovery announcement played yet again.
"No...this can't be first Kaito now Y/N! UGHH! I'm going to murder Kokichi!" Maki yelled her red eyes  filled with anger and pain.
"No not Y/N!" Himiko cried.
"Poor Y/N Kokichi must have killed her!" Tsumugi cried.
"I-I-I can't investigate this I'm a failure I couldn't save her! I rather just die!" I cried and then Maki slapped me.
"Do you think she would want you to give up?! If you want to avenge her investigate this trial and help me put Kokichi six feet under." Maki stated looking me in the eyes.
"Fine let's do this." I agreed. I looked at the grave and sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

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