Chapter 50: Playing Piano Keys

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   You were walking behind Shuichi in complete silence as he lead you to an ultimate lab. He opened the door and instructed you to come in and when you did you saw a grand piano with a blackboard behind the piano and looking around even more you saw musical scores and dvds on the wall.
"This is..." You trailed off looking at him and he sadly nodded.
"Kaede's lab." Shuichi finished. 
"Why did you take me here?" You softly asked.
"You know sometimes I come in here and I just... imagine her playing the piano playing a beautiful song to get me motivated and help me carry on. Even after all the trials I still...miss her I wish I could have saved her but I was....powerless to do so." Shuichi gripped his hand over his chest and you noticed him holding back tears.
"Shuichi." You said and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"Y/N you and I were both entrusted with her wish because of that I feel a bond of friendship with you stronger on the same level of Kaito's friendship. I need us to work together so Kaede can be at peace." Shuichi looked you in your E/C eyes and you looked back at him.
  "Shuichi...I understand we were both given her wish but we're on opposite sides of the same coin." You spoke.
  Shuichi then took your hand and pulled you to the grand piano he sat down and then beckoned for you to sit as well and you complied.
  "I wonder what she would be playing right now." Shuichi mumbled. 
"Maybe The Promise by Michael Nyman or Dawn by Dario Marianelli." You replied a small smile started to appear on your face thinking about what Kaede would say and play if she was here now. She was a true leader always encouraging everyone and knowing what to say her optimism rivaled Kaito's. 
   "Maybe she would play those but Y/N what do you mean we're on opposite sides of the same coin?" Shuichi asked.
"It's simple look at our friend group it's you, Kaito,and Maki and it's me, Kokichi, and Miu with poor K1-B0 caught in the middle. Our group is divided not together and it can't be. How can we trust one another after all these deaths? How can we trust each other when one of us is the mastermind?" You asked. 
  "You really think one of us is the mastermind still?" Shuichi asked his voice layered with confusion and his eyes looked as if he was betrayed.
"It would only make sense because Monokuma is a robot he has to be controlled by someone and if it was one of us then it would explain how Monokuma knows everything." You explained.
"As much as I understand your reasoning I don't believe it. How could one of our friends be the mastermind and be so nice to our face?" Shuichi asked.
"I don't have those answers for you Shuichi and I don't think I will have them anytime soon there's so much not answered." You frowned.
"Are you prepared to face that if it is the truth? What if it is Kokichi or Miu?"  He questioned.

You looked away from Shuichi not knowing exactly what to say. You didn't want to say anything because the more you spent time with Kokichi and Miu the more you didn't want to consider that possibility.    Not knowing what to say you pressed a piano key and then Shuichi followed.
"Are we making music now?" Shuichi teased causing you to laugh.
"Maybe let's just roll with it." You replied and the both of you started to press keys not knowing what to say you let the music speak for you both. A beautiful symphony of confusion and not knowing mixed with a bond of friendship that couldn't be broken and at the end of the song  you both had wide smiles on your face.
  "You know no matter what the ending to this story is it's a losing game because there's people we couldn't save...mysteries unsolved...the mastermind revealed could be someone dear to one of us...and maybe even we won't make it." You frowned and placed your head on his shoulder.  "But I don't want to think about that...not yet."
  "Y/N...."Shuichi frowned.
"Whoever is trapping us here and making us force to play this game that person is sick and I hate that person whole heartedly. I can't imagine the face of the mastermind being you, Kokichi, or Miu.    I just want to make it out of this place with the people that can still make it. There's so many people I couldn't save we started as 17 and now we're down to 7. Those are ten precious lives I was powerless to save...and that makes me so sad Shuichi...but I have to move forward I can't stay in the past I have to look towards the future to save the people who are still alive...I haven't failed yet and I can't...I have to make sure our friends didn't die in vain."  You tried to keep your composure but you started to cry and Shuichi wrapped his arm around you trying his best to comfort you.
    "Y/N...I hope you someday find peace." Shuichi whispered.  "You are a shining star in this darkness I don't believe anything or anyone can dim that light thats within you. I think you bring so much hope to people like Kokichi and Miu in a way I feel like your their sun that brightens up their day but also their moon that shines on their darkest hour.  You can't go back and change the beginning but maybe just maybe you can change the ending."
    You looked at Shuichi and he wiped away your tears and you smiled at him. 
"Thank you Shuichi for being an amazing friend and for being here." You smiled.
"What are friends for." Shuichi replied.
You looked back at the piano and smiled. "You know when I look at the piano keys you could say the white keys represent happiness and the black keys represent sadness. But the black keys still make music. So maybe even in this sadness there's still some beauty in it we just have to be able to go where there are no guarantees." You smiled.
  "Yeah maybe you're right Y/N." Shuichi smiled.
"I think I'm going to go spend some time looking for Kokichi and Miu but I believe that this talk put a lot in perspective. Don't worry Shuichi I believe we can see the outside world again as long as we move forward and stop looking back." You reassured the detective who had a small smile on his face.
"You're brave Y/N." Shuichi pointed out.
"I'm brave because of the people who give me courage to keep fighting." You smiled.
"No you're brave because that's just who you are. Don't let people take credit for your own personality and strength." Shuichi corrected.
"Thank you Shuichi." You chirped waving goodbye at the detective who had a smile on his face and a gleam in his eyes that you couldn't figure out what was inside.

As you were walking to Miu's lab you noticed a certain purple haired boy beaming at you.
"Kokichi! There you are!" You exulted as the boy ran to you and gave you a hug.
"Where were you Y/N?" Kokichi asked.
"Where was I? Where were you? I was looking for you and so was everyone else." You grinned.
"Oh well I was just busy doing things." Kokichi smiled.
"Like?" You asked.
"Neeheehee nothing for you to worry about my beloved Y/N." Kokichi bubbled. "Now where are you going?"
"To go see Miu." You answered.
"Yeah you can go do that I'll be waiting for you right here." Kokichi said.
"Okay well I'll be right back." You said and kissed his cheek.
"I love you Y/N." Kokichi smiled.
"I love you too Kokichi but I'm going to be right back." You giggled.
"I know it's just looking at you everyday I get even more mesmerized by you." Kokichi winked causing you to blush.
"Aren't you a flirt?" You blushed causing him to laugh.
"Come on hurry to Miu so you can come back and I can spend more time with you." Kokichi smiled.

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