Chapter 48: Only 7 Remain

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Your eyes started to open as you heard the morning announcement. As soon as you started to wake up images of what happened yesterday started to flash before your mind from debating on who the killer is to Gonta's last words and him being executed, Kokichi punching Kaito, and you punching Shuichi. You got up and got ready trying to just forget about what happened for a moment. After getting ready you opened the door and you saw Miu.
"Perfect timing I was just about to knock." Miu smiled.
"Good morning Miu." You said trying to smile.
"Are you still sad because of what happened yesterday?" Miu asked and you nodded yes.
"Don't beat yourself up over it. It will be okay." Miu reassured.
"I'm trying not to I know I have to just look forward but it's hard." You admitted and Miu frowned. "But can you invent something for me?"

"I'm the ultimate inventor! What do you need?" Miu asked putting her hands on her hips.
"I need like a master key something that can open any lock." You answered and Miu gave you a weird look.
"What are you trying to do?" Miu questioned.
"Oh I have a plan." You cryptically answered. You had a plan revised that at nighttime you would try to open the room on the fifth floor that wouldn't open and explore around the school looking for answers and just in case the doors were locked you would need a master key.
"Fine don't tell me yet but promise me you won't get yourself killed." Miu replied.
"I won't die I promise. When will it be done?" You asked.
"Probably by nighttime tonight I can get it done. It shouldn't be so hard to make it sounds like a basic invention." Miu answered.
"Thank you Miu you're the best." You smiled and hugged her.
"Yeah yeah I know you can sing my praises more later. Now let's go to the dining hall." Miu smiled.

  You and Miu walked to the dining hall and when you entered you saw Maki, Kaito, Shuichi, and K1-B0. You looked and you saw Shuichi had a bad bruise on his face.
  "Look at Detective Emo!  Either Y/N is a wrestler in disguise or you're just the weakest guy ever!" Miu cackled causing Shuichi to roll his eyes. 
  "Oh look who it is evil incarnate herself." Maki said glaring at you.
"Hey! Leave Y/N alone! You don't even know her! Slug face!" Miu yelled.
"Do you want to die?" Maki glared.
"Do you!?" You and Miu yelled at Maki.  Then Kaito put his hand on Maki's shoulder and with a sigh he shook his head. "They aren't worth it Maki Roll. If you kill them you'll die too and I don't want that."
   Maki then started blushing and backed down.
"Let's just all calm down. Having this much anger towards each other we'll fall right into Monokuma's trap." K1-B0 reminded. "Now Kaito are you okay?"
"Geez don't be stupid guys. There's no way I'd die y'know? Cuz I'm Kaito Momota Luminary of the Stars!" Kaito exclaimed.
"What a dumb catchphrase if you can even call it that." Miu scoffed.
"But Three of a Kind isn't dumb?" Maki rolled her eyes.
"It isn't because Kokichi, Miu and I are three of a kind it makes perfect sense." You smiled.
"Three evil incarnates." Maki insulted.
"Who are you calling evil when you're an assassin?!" Miu yelled pointing her fingers at Maki.  

     "Guys stop fighting! This isn't helping anything!" Shuichi yelled. Everyone went silent not expecting Shuichi to yell and then Kaito went to get food and came back with a handful of food.
"You know we can't figure out the secret of the outside world by just thinking about it so theres no pointing wasting brainpower if any of you are." Kaito commented.
"I mean it's hard not to think about what the secret could be. But who knows." You shrugged.
"We can't simply not think about it." K1-B0 frowned.
"Sure there's a chance the outside world is messed up but making us worry about it is what Monokuma wants." Kaito commented.
"As a detective what are your thoughts Shuichi?" K1-B0 asked.
"I've considered a few theories but I can't say for sure." Shuichi admitted.
  "Well there really aren't many clues so I guess I can't call you a full idiot this time."  Miu said.

   "So where's Kokichi?" You asked.
"Yeah I haven't seen him at all I wonder where Kokichi is." Miu commented.
  You looked at Kaito, Shuichi, Maki, and K1-B0 and they all look terrified at the mention of his name.
"I'd probably be running away if I saw him." Shuichi grimaced.
"Man you really are weak!" Miu laughed.
"I haven't seen him either it's like he has completely vanished." K1-B0 stated.
"We can't just leave him alone he enjoys watching us suffer. If we weren't in a killing game I would've assassinated him already." Maki darkly said.
You glared at her almost matching her dark aura. "Say that one more time I dare you. You want to call us evil look at you you evil murderer! Those people you hurt had families and friends someone and something to live for and you took that away from them! You're utterly disgusting."

    Maki had a shocked expression and then turned away from you closing her eyes. "Ironic the rules of this game make it harder to do so."
"Maki Roll...thats not good. Playing this game is just what Monokuma wants us to do!" Kaito shouted.
"Do you want a cookie for figuring that one out astronaut boy!?" Miu jeered and Kaito glared at her.

Monokuma then appeared.
"I'm loving this tense atmosphere puhuhu! Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki vs Y/N, Kokichi, and Miu with K1-B0 caught in the middle of it. Which one will make it out alive I wonder." Monokuma laughed.
"What are you doing here?" You asked.
"I have business with you guys of course." Monokuma replied.
"If it's for our prize just hurry up and give it." Maki commanded.
"Of course." Monokuma said and revealed two keys.
"You get two keys! This one is the last real key and this one is the real last key!" Monokuma announced. "Now then go find the places the keys unlock see ya!"
   You took the keys and everyone agreed to search for the new rooms to see what they unlocked.   
  "Time to find the new areas let's do this!" You cheered with a confident smile.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the very late update! I have been very ill with the flu and dealing with that so I've been taking some time to just focus on recovering. I hope you guys are all healthy and happy and thank you guys for getting this book to 8K!

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