Chapter 60: It All Comes Together

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Everyone was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Everyone was trying to find out everything so you guys could make it out of this place alive and not have to continue on with this sick game. With every single clue you have discovered with Motherkuma and the flashback light maker being two of the most important clues you still didn't understand Hope's Peak and the Ultimate Despair and how it's connected to the killing game. You couldn't decipher what was meant by that.
  "Is there a secret student hiding in the academy that's the Ultimate Despair that couldn't be it could it?" You mumbled.
"If there's another student here that we didn't notice I don't know anymore." Kokichi stated you looked up to see him and Miu walking over to you.
"How did you guys find me?" You asked.
"You're not that hard to find Y/N." Miu smiled.
"We figured that since this will be our last investigation because we're getting out of this place. We need to investigate together." Kokichi smiled.
"Yep! Because we're going to find the mastermind and kick the mastermind's butt!" Miu cackled.
"You guys are so confident but we need to be in order to win and beat Monokuma and you two give me confidence so Three of a Kind is finishing this investigation together!" You cheered pulling the two of them in for a group hug hoping that this wouldn't be the last time you would see their smiling faces.
"So where are we investigating first?" Kokichi questioned.

"I found something interesting in the girls bathroom." Miu said.
"But I'm a boy I can't go in there." Kokichi blurted.
"It's for the investigation. It's not anything weird." You reminded and he sighed agreeing.
"Don't act like Shuichi now." Miu joked.
"Oh Miu you know you went from a super annoying non trustworthy friend to a trust worthy friend I like to joke with." Kokichi smiled.
"I think that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me." Miu smiled.
"Yeah don't get used to it. Come on lead the way to the interesting thing in the bathroom." Kokichi laughed.
"Yeah Miu lead the way we'll follow!" You grinned and the three of you raced to the girls bathroom and once you got there all three of you stopped.
"What's in there? Is it related to the hidden library room?" Kokichi asked.
"Once you go in you'll understand what I mean." Miu said and opened the door and the three of you went in. But it looked like a normal bathroom.

"Miu we don't have time for jokes. What's in here?" Kokichi asked.
"I was reading the book that Kokichi had in the lair about Hopes Peak and the Future Foundation and I think the bathroom and the hidden room are connected ." Miu explained.
"The hidden room and the bathroom?!" You questioned shocked.
"Look where the equipment is placed. In this seemingly normal utility closet. If you touch the wall look what happens." Miu placed her hand on the wall and a hidden passage opened up.
"Wow Miu that was actually smart!" Kokichi smiled.
"Hahaha I know!" Miu laughed.
"That was amazing so there's a hidden passage but we should check where it leads to." You instructed.
The three of you stepped through the false wall and continued down the hidden passage and it was a deep passage and when you finally got through it it leads directly to the hidden room. This passage also wasn't on Rantaro's survival perk.
"Oh my gosh this is crazy." Kokichi breathed out looking around.
"Yeah this is absolutely insane." You stated trying to piece things together.
"I need to read that book because that book is going to be key. Is it still in the lair?" You questioned.
"Yeah it should be there." Miu said.
"But isn't it just a pointless book?" Kokichi questioned.
"No I think this book is our key to finding out who the mastermind is." You answered. 
"You really think so?" Kokichi questioned.
"Absolutely." You answered.
"Then let's go." Kokichi said and the three of you raced to Kokichi's lab to go read that book. You could feel your heart pounding and seconds felt like years but eventually you arrived and you raced into the room and began flipping through pages and pages of the book.
  "What are you looking for?" Kokichi asked.
"Miu said that the bathroom and the hidden room are connected and that's probably because it was connected in a previous killing game. The mastermind of this game  is probably part of the Remnants of Despair and according to the book the Ultimate Despair is Junko Enoshima." You stated flipping through the pages and skimming the pages.
"So Junko Enoshima is the mastermind?" Kokichi asked.

"No. I believe the mastermind is someone who admires Junko and her work."  You answered.
"So some sick freak who admires the ultimate despair is the mastermind?" Miu asked.
"Wow talk about admiring the wrong person." Kokichi sighed.
"And it's our mission to uncover who the sick freak is." You mumbled. "I'm going to go check on K1-B0 and Shuichi maybe they found something. You two I need you to keep looking and then hopefully we'll have time to meet up and discuss everything. If not I'll see you two at the trial grounds."

You waved goodbye to them and you walked around until you saw K1-B0 and Shuichi talking most likely discussing what they know.
"Ah Y/N good to see you." K1-B0 greeted.
"Yeah you're a sight for sore eyes." Shuichi smiled.
"Have you guys found anything?" You asked.
"We were in the library going through books and we just learned about someone named Junko Enoshima and I've just been looking around trying to piece things together." Shuichi answered.
"Yeah hopefully Three of a Kind is having better luck than us." K1-B0 awkwardly smiled.
"We're trying to piece everything together too I think we're doing a good job I feel like the class trial is going to determine everything." You sighed with a pout on your face.
"Don't give up Y/N you're going to beat Monokuma and complete Kaede's wish." Shuichi reassured.
"Yes the other possibility won't even happen! We won't let you die!" K1-B0 yelled.
"Thanks guys with everyone supporting me I feel like I can take on all the exisals." You joked.
"I'm sure you could." Shuichi laughed.

Time was slowly running out way faster than you even anticipated. You were running all around the academy looking at books checking all the Ultimate Labs looking for any clues to tie all the loose ends and end this killing game. You were excited to get out and that thought was helping you stay motivated what was also keeping you motivated was remembering your thirteen friends who are gone and who are rooting for you to win. But the real motivation was You Kokichi and Miu being able to leave this killing game and being able to make more memories together. Without even realizing it was just about daytime. You raced to the lair and you saw Miu and Kokichi were already there.
"It's almost time." You announced.
"You know with it being almost time I'm scared." Miu admitted.
"I am too especially since everything is riding on this class trial." You admitted.
"Don't be scared! We're going to win! I'm not losing this game and I'm not losing Y/N!" Kokichi declared.
You went up to Kokichi and clutched his hand a blush forming on both of your faces and you stated deeply into his eyes. "With you by my side I can get through anything I managed to get through this killing game and now this is our final trial. We're going to end this killing game and leave together. I'm certain of it. You gave me so much strength to carry on thank you Kokichi."
"I love you Y/N." Kokichi professed and gave you a kiss a kiss that was mixed with passion with a hint of worry that this was going to be the final one. Then Monokuma gave the announcement that it was time for the trial to begin.

"Are you two ready?" You asked.
"I'm ready to win!" Miu laughed.
"So am I! Come on my new two members of DICE let's give this final trial all we got! And take down the mastermind!" Kokichi laughed
"The mastermind isn't prepared for Three of a Kind! We got this!" You cheered. With that three of you left confident that you were going to uncover who the mastermind is.

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