Chapter Four

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We headed into the building, nervous about everything. Sure, these were the only family that I had ever known, but they had left me behind. I wondered how much they even cared for me. Tony and I flew in front of the group, appearing before Wanda, Pietro, and the robot thing ahead of everyone else.

"Ah, Junior," Tony remarked, smirking at the three of them. "You're going to break your old man's heart," he added, and I stood up tall beside him, catching the attention of Wanda.

"Ava, come over to this side of the fight. You belong with us," she said, and I cocked my head to the side, copying one of her signature moves.

"Do I? You left me behind and allowed for him to kill Strucker. Why should I go back to you and Pietro?" I said, looking them in the eyes.

"Young child, the name is Ultron. You should join us. The Avengers, all they care about is themselves," he said, finally allowing me to know his name.

"Oh, like you're any different, Mr. Robot guy. You only care about killing the Avengers. How is that any different?" I said, feeling myself lift into the air. Ultron ignored my comment, focusing on Tony.

"If I have to," Ultron said, responding to Tony's previous comment. I fell in step with Captain America.

"We don't have to break anything," Thor said and I nodded, looking at Wanda.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet" I gave Ultron a funny look. What is an omelet?

"He beat me by one second," Tony said and I glared at the man. Now is not the time to make jokes, metal man.

"Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro said, looking back at me. "Ava, little one. Let's go" I shook my head and rolled my shoulders, getting ready for the fight.

"This was never my life," Tony said, keeping his eyes on me. He was nervous about what side I was going to be on.

"You two can still walk away from this" Steve said to Wanda and Pietro.

"Oh, we will," Wanda said, reaching her hand out to me, coaxing me to join her and her brother.

"Wanda, I can't. You and Piet left me behind when I needed you the most" I said, glaring at the only siblings that I have ever known.

"I know you've suffered," Steve said, looking at the siblings with pity. I could see both Wanda and Pietro getting upset because those two, they hated pity more than anything else in the world.

" Uuughh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." Ultron said, getting angry at the Avengers.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor said, getting annoyed with this robot thing.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet" Ultron said, getting even more pissed off at the people standing by my side.

"Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony said,

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan--" Ultron said and that is when his side attacked. He pulled Tony towards him and his fellow robots began fighting the Avengers, me included. I threw one to the ground and was able to split him in half using my magic. Tony and Ultron continued to fight in the air while everyone else fought in the stairwell and the balconies. Pietro and Wanda joined in and I went after them. Pietro pushed Thor, trying to make him more vulnerable. Wanda used her powers to push Steve over and that is when I used mine to push her over and hold her to the ground.

"Ava?" she asked, confusion lacing her young features. "What are you doing?" she said but I just shook my head at her. Then gunshots rang out, distracting me from my sister. She disappeared, trying to find her brother and Ultron, most likely. I began to fight these men, quickly either knocking them out or killing them. Then I went after Pietro, or at lease tried to.

"Little one, come with us" he said, looking at me as he went after Captain America and Thor.

"I can't, Pietro. I've proven myself to these people and I can't betray them. Unlike you two, that's not my style" I said, glaring at him and using my powers to see into his mind. I could see that he felt bad but he didn't regret doing it, which didn't make it any better. I watched as Ultron and Iron Man escaped from the building and began to fight outside.

"Stay down, kid," Steve said to Pietro and I found my way to his side once more.

"Ava, what is up with you?" Pietro said and I glared at him, getting in his face.

"Like you don't already know. Piet, you guys killed Strucker. You guys are getting revenge against the Avengers as we speak but I will never get my revenge against the man who killed my parents. How is that fair? You guys are getting revenge on the person who killed your parents but you don't allow me to do the same" I said to him, tears in my eyes.

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty" I could hear Thor say and I groaned.

"Of course. She's using her powers. I now have to deal with that. I have to go, Maximoff. But maybe think about what you did to me" I said, heading in Wanda's direction.

I found my way to Clint's side. He had just been knocked over by Pietro.

"Your sister. She tried to do the witchey stuff to me. Didn't work. Not a fan of it. " Clint said, looking me in the eyes.

"We need to find everyone we can. This way, we know what we are working with. You find Nat, I'll go after Hulk. She'll want to go after him next" I said, heading to where Bruce was waiting.

"Bruce, how are you doing?" I said when I got the quinjet, where he was waiting.

"Ava, what are you doing? Why are you out here?" he asked, concerned for his friends.

"We have to get you out of here. Wanda is going to try and do something to you" I said, putting my hand on his arm.

"Oh, my little sister. Trying to help them out? They don't even care for you" she said before looking at Bruce. I kept her out of his way but then she decided to do something they have never done. Pietro came by and knocked me into a wall, causing me to hit my head pretty hard.

"Bruce?" I said, looking around. I could see the Hulk in the distance and that is when I sighed. "God damn it, Wanda," I said, groaning in pain. "Couldn't you have left him alone?" I added, rolling my eyes at her.

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