Bonding with James and Shuri

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"Ava, time to wake up" Pepper yelled. I wiped my eyes. I had a late-night, spending quite a lot of the evening with Peter, Reece and Rayne. I was supposed to spend the night but I got a call at like 10 pm from Pepper that I had a guest picking me up for a trip in the morning so I had to be ready early. I was a little upset but Pepper promised that it would be a fun trip. That I would like it. But I still have no idea who it was. I was still getting used to living with two girls who did not like me. But we talked every once in a while now. They weren't outwardly mean anymore. Not ever since Peter told them off which I was thankful for.

"Okay, Ms. Potts" I said, getting up out of bed. I found my way to my closet but then my phone rang. It was Reece. My best friend. Sometimes I wished she was more than just my best friend.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" Reece said on FaceTime. Reece and myself had gotten incredibly close , so much so that Peter has been asking when we are going to make it official. I definitely feel something for Reece but I don't know if she feels the same way. Peter assured me over and over again that she did but I didn't want to risk losing her.

"Hey, princess. How are you doing?" I asked and she smiled at me, making me smile too. We had become attached at the hip lately, something I was glad for. But before she could say anything, FRIDAY interrupted. FRIDAY was such a cock block sometimes.

"Miss Barnes, there is a guest for you downstairs. They say that you need to pack for two weeks vacation, ma'am" the AI said and I sighed, unhappy that I would be away from Peter and more importantly, Reece. Ever since we met, Reece and I hadn't been away from each other for that long. I was nervous that we wouldn't survive the time away from each other. I was worried that she would find someone else. Someone less complicated.

"Well, you heard FRIDAY, pieces. I have to go. I'll call you once I know where I'm going and who I'm going with. Okay. Bye, love" I said, hanging up. I called her love because she and I both loved the way that British people spoke to each other. I basically threw three weeks of clothes and shoes into my suitcase and headed downstairs.

"Ava, you're awake. How are you doing?" Pepper asked and I smiled at the woman who has been my makeshift mom the past few weeks. As much as I disliked Tony, there was something about Pepper that felt very motherly that I loved. It reminded me a lot of Aunt Sharon. Someone that I really missed.

"I'm good. Couldn't FRIDAY have waited until I was done calling Reece? You know our routine" I complained, sitting down at the kitchen island.

"Is Reece your girlfriend?" someone I hadn't heard in a really long time asked and I turned to see one of my favorite people in the world. My Aunt Sharon. My old makeshift mom.

"Auntie Sharon!" I yelled, getting up from my seat. I ran to her, smiling. Even though Sharon and my dad had broken up, Sharon had become an older sister to me. I hadn't seen her in quite a while so this was a nice surprise. "I've missed you" I added, hugging her.

"Well, I missed you and so did James. So I came up with an idea that we could spend a couple of weeks in Wakanda to see James. How's that sound, Aves?" Sharon asked and my hands immediately flew to my face. As much as I tried to deny it, tears pricked my eyes. Sharon really cared about me and not just everyone around me.

"Really?" I asked and when she nodded, I squealed. I get to see James and maybe ask him about my mom. "Let's go" I giggled and I grabbed my suitcase but then I remembered my promise to Reece.

"Aunt Sharon, can I give someone a call real quick? Cause I promised them that I would give them a call when I figured out what was going on" Sharon nodded and winked, causing me to blush. Aunt Sharon always knew how to make me blush.

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