Chapter Thirteen

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I got onto the quinjet and buckled myself in. Clint started it up and Wanda sat next to me.

"Ava, I'm sorry for my words last night. I did not mean them, okay. You are our sister and Pietro knew that" she said but I ignored her words. As much as I wanted to forgive her, her words really hurt. Pietro meant so much to me and to hear her say that he didn't consider me a sister, it really hurt.

"Wanda, the words really hurt. I know that you didn't mean them but that doesn't make them hurt any less. You and Pietro are the only family that I have ever known and for you to put in my head that you guys did not love me, it really fucking hurt" I said, tears entering my eyes. "Wanda, am I seriously going to be a part of this team because, if not, I want to go back to the Bartons," I said and Wanda nodded.

"Yes, they wanted you to be a part of the team. They thought that you would be a great addition. There are two girls around your age that are a part of the new team. Lillian Stark, Tony's daughter, and Lydia Lopez" Wanda said, my heart beginning to flutter. Even though I had only met her onHe wrapped his arms around me and that broke me I began to sob into his armse, Lillian really made an impact on me. She made me realize that maybe, I'm not a freak.

"Okay, we are an hour away. Get ready for Avengers Tower" Clint said, looking back at Wanda and myself. I sat up straight and took a deep breath. I wasn't sure how Steve and/or Tony would react to me being there. Wanda grabbed my hand and squeezed, letting me know that she was there for me. I opened my mind to her and smiled.

"Little sis, you will be okay. Pietro, he would want to see you happy. To see us both happy. Vis, he makes me happy. Maybe at Avengers Tower, you will find someone that makes you happy, whether that is a boy or a girl" she said in her head, reaching across her seat and giving me a hug. I could feel the plane begin its descent. I held onto Wanda, terrified for the reaction we would get when we landed. I took another deep breath and pulled away from Wanda, sitting up straight in my seat. There was a part of me that was excited for the next part of my life. I mean, if Wanda was okay with joining the Avengers, I should be too. But there was another part of me that was terrified. Terrified that they would despise me and force me out of there. Maybe even kill me. I could feel myself begin to hyperventilate from all the stress.

"Ava, look at me. You will be okay. Take a deep breath" Wanda said, putting her hands on my face. I nodded and took a couple of deep breaths. "Are you better?" she asked and I nodded, getting up as the back of the quinjet opened. Wanda ran into someone's arms and I had to stand there awkwardly. Before I could leave the quinjet, Clint grabbed me by the hand, causing me to turn around.

"Ava, please. Let me talk to you" he said and I nodded, sitting back down. "So, this is goodbye. Well, before you go, I want to tell you how much I will miss you. You do not deserve to have the life that you have been plagued with. But you have taken it in stride. Since I met you, you have become more open and I am so glad that you chose my family to be close with. Ava, thank you for being a second daughter to me and Laura" he said and tears flooded my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and that broke me I began to sob into his arms. "You are going to be okay, little Barnes" he said running his hand through my hair. After a few moments, I pulled away from the hug, wiping tears from my face.

"Thank you, Clint the best father figure I could ever ask for, "I said smiling. I grabbed all of my stuff and left the quinjet. Three people were waiting for me at the exit: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Nick Fury. I raised my eyebrows at them, not understanding why they were there. Steve and Tony said their goodbyes and Tony left. Even more confused, they led me to an office.

" Okay, can someone please explain to me what is going on? Like am I getting thrown to the street?" I said and Steve shook his head. "Then what is it?" I added looking at both of them.

" okay. When you first told us your full name, we both got a little suspicious. Your middle and last name put together is a well-known name to both of us so we decided to investigate. Ava, you might want to sit down for this" Steve said and I sat down, my lip beginning to quiver.

As much as I didn't want to believe it, I felt like they were going to kick me out of the Avengers. I mean, who else could my father have been? He was definitely an enemy of the state. If they hated me before, they would definitely hate me now. I could feel tears but I blinked them away. I would not let the Avengers see me weak.

"Ava, your mom is alive" The minute that the words left Fury's mouth, my heart stopped. My chest began to hurt. I got up and began rubbing my chest. I then began to pace around the room.

"Ava, hey. Are you okay?" Steve asked and I couldn't answer him. I was focusing on why I could not breathe. My eyes were trying to focus on the wall but nothing was working. He began asking questions but I couldn't hear him." Ava. Hey. Listen to me. What are five things that you can see?" Steve said holding my face in his hands.

"You, F-Fury, a desk, a calender, and a c-computer" I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Now, what are four things that you can feel" he said and I felt around.

"You, the wall, my clothes and the floor" I said, finally being able to breathe again.

"Three things that you can hear" he said and I smiled at him.

"You blabbing, me giggling and chair squeaking" I said, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"Two things that you can smell" Steve said, helping me to my feet.

"My sweat and chocolate in that desk drawer" I said and Fury raised his eyebrow at my statement as a way to ask who the fuck I knew that.

"One thing that you can taste" he asked.

"Blood. I bit the inside of my cheek" I said, adding the last bit when Steve looked at me in concern.

"Do you feel better?" I nodded to Steve's question. As soon as I did so, Steve brought me into his arms. He kissed the top of my head. I looked up, a little confused about his behavior.

"Steve, what's going on? There's something that you're not telling me. What is it?" I asked and Steve pulled away from the hug. He led me to the chair once more and got on his knees in front of me.

"Back to your name. The minute that I met you, Ava, I was drawn to you. There was something about you that was very familiar to me and it seemed like I was right. Have you heard of the name Bucky Barnes before?" he asked and I nodded, smilign at him.

"Yeah. That was your best friend before you became Captain America. What about him?" I asked and Steve put his hand on my cheek.

"That's your father" Steve said and I looked at Steve, quite confused.

"How is that possible? You are only alive because of you being Captain America. How the hell is he alive? I thought he died or something" I asked, looking at both Steve and Fury.

"I did too. I thought he died too but.." Steve trailed off, looking at Fury.

"But what?Just spit it out, Rogers" I said, clenching my teeth at him.

"He is The Winter Soldier" he said and my jaw dropped.

"What the f-" I yelled.

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