James Barnes meets Reece Parker

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Letter from Ava to James

Dear Pops,

Pops, how are you doing? We haven't talked in quite a while and I was wondering how life was going in Wakanda. I was wondering how your hearing was going. I know that the last time I was there, you were pretty much healed but I wasn't sure if that was still the same. My life in Queens is going pretty good. I made amends with Lydia and Lillian, Uncle Tony's daughter and her girlfriend. I used to be so mad at them, for We're all good now. I also have friends outside of the Avengers. I'm friends with two people from school. Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy. Gwen is really fun to be around. She is super nerdy but she hides that a lot because her dad, he is friends with Tony and super famous.

Reece thought that I should write to you. Reece is my girlfriend. I love her a lot. She means the world to me. I really want you to meet her. But I don't want to make you uncomfortable.

Pops, your thoughts mean so much to me as Dad's do. I really want you to like her. So, please try to get back to me as soon as possible. Please, Pops, I love her. I really do.
Love, Ava.
Letter to Ava from James
Dear Ava,
Of course, sweetheart. I would absolutely love to meet this girl who has changed your life. If she is making you happy? That makes me happy, Ava. Tell me about her. What is she like?
Love, Pops.
Letter from Ava to James,
Dear Pops,
She is amazing. She has the most beautiful red hair. I love twisting in around my fingers when her head is in my lap. She has the most beautiful blue eyes. She makes me laugh so much. Her smile is so damn contagious. She is the cousin of Peter Parker, one of Uncle Tony's interns. We met a few months ago and we connected right away. Pops, I think that she might be the one.
See, I was thinking of having you flown out to Queens to spend the week. I could ask Uncle Tony if you could have the room next to me ( as it is currently unoccupied. It used to be Dad's). How does that sound, Pops?
Love, Ava.
Letter to Ava from James
Dear Aves,
I don't know about that, my sweets. Your uncle Tony, he doesn't like me. And remember, my sweet daughter, he has every right to. I killed his parents. And I know exactly what you're going to say. You and your father are too much alike. I know that I wasn't in control of my actions but he still doesn't see that and I don't blame him. How about you fly your friends (including this Parker kid) over to Wakanda. I asked both T'Challa and Shuri and they both agreed to it, Shuri quite happily.
Get back to me as soon as possible, Aves.
Love, Pops.
Letter from Ava to James
Dear Pops, 
I talked to all of my friends and they all agreed. So I will need tickets for Reece, her twin sister, Rayne, MJ, Peter, Ned, Betty, Gwen, Harry and myself. So I will need 9 tickets. I love you so much, Pops
Love, Ava
Letter to Ava from James.
Dear Ava,
Enclosed are 12 tickets (in case you wanted to bring more people). I am so excited to not only see you but your friends as well. I love you, my sweet girl.
Love, Pops.
The tickets fell out of the envelope and I counted them. 12 in all. Maybe I should invite Lydia and Lillian. We were on okay terms now. I went to their shared room.
"Lydia? Lillian? Can I speak to you?" I asked and both girls nodded, Lydia patting the bed.
"Sure, Ava. What's up?" Lillian asked, giving me a smile.
"So, I'm taking a group of us to Wakanda to visit T'Challa and his sister, Shuri. Reece and I are visiting my dad so that they can meet" I began to ramble, not even noticing Lillian's face fall. "Basically, I was going to ask if you wanted to come along. I think you'd like Shuri" I said, smiling at both girls. I didn't see Lillian's smile widen at the sight of me smiling.
"Oh, so we can't meet your dad too" Lydia teased and I giggled but then I looked over at Lillian. A frown was on her face which made me a little confused about why. Last time I checked, we were fine. Like everyone liked each other and all that. So why was she upset at me, right now?
"So, it's pretty serious, I guess" she said quietly. I nodded, a small smile coming onto my lips.
"Um, yeah. It is getting pretty serious, I guess" I said and that is when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I smiled as I recognized the hands laying on my stomach.
"Hey, Aves" she said, kissing the side of my neck. I blushed, leaning into her. "What are those?" she said, pointing to the tickets. I just realized that I had yet to tell her about the plans.
"Ava, these are tickets to Wakanda. Babe, we are going to see my pops, James. You are going to meet him. He wants to meet you" I explained and she turned me around, putting her hands on my cheeks.
"I'm going to see your father? Like we're that serious?" she asked and I nodded, grabbing her hand and leading her out of Lillian's room.
"Babe, I love you so much and I want you to meet my father. I told him all about you and he wants to meet you" I explained to her and she wrapped her arms around me, snuggling her head into my neck.
"I love you too, babe. Let's go get ready" she said, pulling me down the hall.
Over the next few days, I let the rest of our friends in on what was going on. We got ready to meet the king and princess of Wakanda. Peter and MJ, being science obsessed people, were nervous to meet Shuri more than anyone. Especially Peter as he has technically already met T'Challa although the king doesn't know that. The day has now come where we are leaving. We were all in our nicest clothes. I was in a pretty yellow dress and Reece, she was stunning in a black gown.
We got off of the plane and found our way to James's place. I watched as Peter and the rest of them were greeted by Shuri and T'Challa.
"Ava, hey. This must be Reece. Hello, Reece. I'm James Barnes. I'm Ava's biological father. It is very nice to meet you" he said and Reece nodded, shaking his hand. We walked into this room and saw it all decked out.
"Dad, you didn't have to" I said as we sat down to eat. He nodded and served us.
Over the next few hours, Pops and Reece really connected. They really got along. James and Reece, they have been talking about sports. James, before Hydra, loved baseball. Baseball, it is his favorite sport and Reece, she is such a tomboy. She loves all sports out there but especially baseball. I began to feel left out but then Reece began talking about Lord of the Rings, something both me and my dad love. We were both nerds about those books.
I smiled, happy to see these two people, two people who meant so much to me, getting along. I squeezed Reece's hand underneath the table, happy to have her by my side.
"Ava, I have to talk to your father alone. Can I do that?" Reece asked and I nodded, smiling at her. I kissed her on the cheek and went to find Shuri. I began to walk around and that is when I saw Shuri.
"Shuri!" I yelled, running to her. She gasped and wrapped her arms around me. I was so excited to see her and her brother. She spun me around, giggling.
"Ava, we have done so much here. The lab, it is almost unrecognizable" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me there. "Also, your friends, MJ and Peter, they are so useful. They absolutely love the lab. Especially Peter. That boy, he is one of the smartest people that I have ever met. I'm thinking of asking him or his aunt to stay here for the summer. Sometimes, we could really use his help in the lab" Shuri rambled and I giggled. This was Peter's dream. To use his IQ and his perceptiveness to help others. Peter is too damn kind for his own good. I know that there is no way in hell that he will leave his aunt in Queens by herself. But he will do what he can, right now. I walked into the lab and began to work with Peter and MJ.
We spent the next few days, working and having fun with Shuri. My dad and Reece, they spent so much time together. They were together almost 24/7.
"Goodbye, Pops. I'll see you soon, hopefully" I said, giving him a hug. He squeezed me, kissing me on the top of my head.
"I'll miss you too, Aves. You mean so much to me" he said and then he turned to Reece. "It was so nice to meet you too, Reece. Come here" he said and she hugged him too. "Thank you for making my daughter so happy" he said, smiling at my girlfriend.
"You're welcome" I smiled at them.  I hugged them both and smiled. We then said goodbye to Shuri and T'Challa. We found our way to the plane. I sat next to Reece and I laid my head on her shoulder.
"I had so much fun" I said as I began dozing off. I heard Reece say something before my eyes finally closed.
"I am so in love with you" she said, kissing me on the top of my head.

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