Chapter Nineteen

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This chapter is not story-driven. As mentioned before, Ava Barnes is bisexual. I thought that an important part of her story would be her coming out to the people she loves. These stories won't necessarily have a specific timeline within the story but I just thought that it was important for Ava's story that these were told. In this chapter, she will come out to Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Clint and Laura Barton, Wanda Maximoff, and Peter Parker. Although Peter Parker and Ava have yet to meet, I will write it down because of my plans for Ava after Captain America: Civil War. So let's fucking go!

Natasha Romanoff

Today was the day that I was going to come out to Auntie Nat. I was nervous about her reaction.

"Auntie Nat, I need to talk to you. In private. Can we go to your room?" I asked and she nodded. We began walking in that direction. I began fiddling with my thumbs. I always did that when I was nervous. I was just nervous that she wouldn't accept me.

"Yes, my little niece," she said, smiling at me. I took a deep breath and tears came to my eyes. "Ava, what is it? You can tell me" she said, putting her hand on my arm. We both sat down on her bed.

"Okay. I'm just afraid that you won't want me to be your niece afterwards" I said, tears streaming down my face. I took a deep breath and began to speak. "So, Auntie Nat. There has been something that I have needed to tell you for a very long time so here goes. Nat, I like girls and guys. The way you feel about guys, I feel about both guys and girls. Auntie Nat, I'm bisexual, " I said, tears streaming down my face. Nat wrapped me up in her arms and just let me cry.

"I accept you for just who you are. I love you no matter who you love" she said and I began to cry even harder. After a few moments, I pulled away from Auntie Nat and gave her a weak smile. She wiped my tears away. "You make me so goddamn proud to call you my niece, Ava. Ава, ты такая храбрая. У тебя такое доброе сердце и ты красивая внутри и снаружи (Ava, you are so brave. You have such a kind heart and you are beautiful, inside and out)" she said, kissing me on my cheek. I was able to stand up and Nat did so too. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and squeezed, kissing me on the cheek.

"So, Ava, when are you going to take me to a PRIDE parade?" Nat asked and I looked at her. "What? I want to be supportive," she said after I gave her a look of confusion. I giggled and told her about my crush on Lillian Stark. Thank god that Auntie Nat was supportive.

Sam Wilson

Okay, so after I told Nat, I wanted to tell Uncle Sam. That way, in the case that Dad isn't supportive, I have Auntie Nat and Uncle Sam. Just in case.

"Uncle Sam, can I talk to you?" I asked and he nodded. I followed him to his room. "So, when I tell you this, I hope that it doesn't change your opinion of me" I said and Sam looked at me, a little confused.

"Yeah, what is it, little Rogers?" he asked.

"Can you please sit down?" I asked and he nodded. He did so and I began to pace.

"So, ever since I can remember, I haven't felt normal. Even before all of the Hydra shit, I didn't feel like a normal kid. That is because of who I love. Uncle Sam, I like guys and girls. I am bisexual" I said and I could feel the tears pricking my eyes.

"So what, Ava? That doesn't change who you are" he said and the tears spilled out. "Were you seriously afraid that I wasn't going to support you?" he asked and I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me and allowed me to cry into his shoulder. I pulled away and wiped the tears away. "So, Miss Ava, why did you feel the need to tell me your sexuality?" he asked and I weakly smiled, not knowing what he would think.

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