Chapter Eight

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I woke up to Lila shaking me awake. I smiled at the small girl as we got up for the day. I wasn't sure what today was going to be like but maybe, Laura could be a second mother to me. I could see how caring she was to her kids as well as the Avengers.

"Good morning, Ava and Lila. How did y'all sleep?" Laura asked as we headed into the kitchen. I weakly smiled as Lila began to tell her mom about her dreams throughout the night. I looked at the ground. I never had peaceful dreams. I had never dreamt about ponies or unicorns. I only dreamt about what I had done as part of Hydra and the day that I was taken by Strucker. The Bartons and people, in general, do not know how good they have it.

"What about you? Ava, how did you sleep? Did you have any dreams last night?" Laura asked and I looked up, locking eyes with her.

"Nope. No dreams" I said, keeping it short and sweet so that she didn't want to ask questions about the dreams that I had. She gave me a look that told me that she did not believe me but she did not press any further. Cooper had since woken up as well and began to tell his mom about his dreams. I looked at my feet once more. What else was I supposed to do? They were a family and I felt like I was intruding on their family time. The minute Mr. Barton comes back home, I am going to be told that I need to leave. I understand why but it is still going to hurt if I get too close to them. I got up from the table and went to sit in the living room. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest. I allowed myself to be overwhelmed by the thoughts of Wanda and Pietro.


"Ava, come on," Wanda said, getting into a fighting stance. "You can do better than that," she said and we began to fight. I pushed her backward using my magic but she landed in a superhero pose. She smirked at me before running at me. Using her magic, she was able to throw me against the wall as she looked inside my mind. I tried to block her but it was too late. So, to get her out of my head, I screamed. It knocked her off of my feet and in her confusion, I was able to manipulate her mind as well.

"Well, damn, Ava. You are getting better" Wanda said, shaking her head at me. I helped her back to her feet.

"Come on, Wanda. You can do better than that" I teased her, making her giggle a little bit. She rolled her eyes at me and I laughed, bumping into her. Before she could retaliate, Pietro came rushing into the picture, scaring the shit out of me.

"Pietro!" I screamed, making both him and Wanda laugh. He picked me up and spun me around. He had been on a solo mission for a couple of weeks. It had been really quiet without the speedster around.

"Did you miss me, Ava?" he asked, his arms staying around me. I nodded, tightening my arms around him.

"Of course I did, Piet. There is only so much of Wanda that I can take. She's pretty annoying" I giggled as Wanda playfully lunged at me. I screamed, trying to keep Pietro between Wanda and myself.


"Ava?" I heard Laura ask and I was brought out of the daydream. "Ava, are you okay?" she asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. I automatically flinched, finding myself in a ball on the floor. "Ava, it's just me. You're okay. It's me, Laura" she said and I nodded.

"Mom, is she okay?" Lila said and my cheeks flushed. I was so embarassed over what just happened.

"She's okay, Lila. Cooper, take your sister upstairs" she said and I heard their footsteps head upstairs. "Now, Ava. Tell me your story. Clint gave me a summarized version but I want to know everything" she said and I nodded. I am terrified. I know that when I tell her my story, she is going to make me leave the house. But if she finds out I hide anything from her, she will definitely kick me out then. I took a deep breath before starting.

"Okay. When I was growing up, I had a pretty normal childhood. I was loved by my mom and dad. Or who I thought was my dad. On my eighth birthday, they told me that he was not my dad. He was only my stepdad and my real dad, whom I do not know his name, wanted nothing to do with me. Seconds after they told me this, gunshots began. I was able to hide under my bed to escape the bullets. My parents weren't as lucky. That was the day that I became an orphan. That was also the day that Hydra took me in. I remember being so scared of what was going to happen to me. But then I met Wanda and Pietro. They were a couple of years older than me and had been a part of Hydra for only a year or so. They took me under their wing and tried to protect me the best that they could. During my time with Hydra, I did horrible things. Things that I refuse to remember. I do not remember anything of the last year. I last remember talking to Wanda about getting revenge on Strucker for being at fault for the death of my parents and then I remember waking up at an Avengers facility.I don't know what I did or who I killed during that time period. Oh my God. I am a monster. I'm a horrible person" I said and I broke down. Laura pulled me into her arms as I sobbed.

"Listen to me, Ava. You are not a horrible person. You were taken advantage of at a young age. You did nothing wrong" she said, kissing the top of my head.

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