Chapter Twelve

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Time stopped right then and there. Wanda was wanting me to leave the Bartons, a family that I had grown to consider my own, and join a group of people whom I didn't know, most of whom still hated me for being a part of Hydra. Pardon my French but why the fuck would I do that? Laura, Lila and Cooper made me a part of their family in a time when I felt sad and lonely and Wanda still makes me feel lonely and she wants me to go with her. I took a deep breath and looked at her, tears in my eyes.

"Why? I want to stay here with the Bartons. Wanda, I love them and they love me. I don't want to be a part of a so-called team that doesn't want me, okay. They don't trust me, okay. They don't trust us, okay. We were a part of Hydra, Wands. We killed innocent people for them. How in the hell could people like Steve Rogers and Tony Stark trust us?" I said, looking at Clint and Wanda.

"Because we saved them. Steve told me about when Ultron first appeared, that you saved Natasha and Helen Cho from Ultron and his goons. Okay? That made an impression on them. Okay. They can see how powerful you are, how powerful you can be. No offense, Clint, but the Avengers can do things that the Bartons just can't, okay. They have no way to train you. But the Avengers, they do. They have the ability to make you go from an okay superhero to an amazing superhero. They can help you control your powers" she said and I looked to Clint who nodded.

"I knew that this day would come but I got so close to your family that I didn't think that it would happen. I told myself that when Clint got back, he would want me out but I had gotten so close to Laura and Lila and even Cooper that I had thought, maybe everything would be okay. Maybe Clint w-wouldn't be ashamed to have me living with his family but it looks like I was wrong, again. Can I have t-today to say goodbye" I said, tears leaking out of my eyes. Clint and Wanda nodded and I rushed to my room, tears streaming down my face. I sat on my med, holding my knees close. How could I make myself believe that they loved me and wanted me to be a part of their family? I thought that I could finally be happy but obviously, I was wrong. My past does matter. Not everything was going to be okay. My past meant too much to other people. I thought that I could get over Hydra's control on me but maybe not. I heard a knock on the door and I saw Lila standing there.

"Ava, why are you crying?" she asked, coming over to me.

"Lila, I have to tell you something. I love you. The time that I have spent with you, your brother and your mom has been so important and I will cherish it. But I have to go with my sister and train with the Avengers. Okay? If I could find a way to stay here and train as an Avenger, I would in a heartbeat. You are like a little sister to me. I love you, Lila. You are like the younger sister that I have never had. Okay. When I come back and visit you guys, you better have stories for me" I said, quite tearfully. Lila now had tears in her eyes too.

"But I don't want you to go," she said and I pulled the girl to me, letting her cry on my chest.

"I will visit you as often as your mom and dad allow, okay, Lila. Just know that I love you very much" I said and Lila nodded, hugging me even tighter. I kissed her on the head, smiling with tears in my eyes. After a few moments, I heard her take a deep breath and then pull away.

"On my end," she said. "You were like the best big sister ever," she said before getting off of my bed and walking out of my room. The minute that the door was closed, I broke down. I just began to sob. I had thought that this family could have been mine as well but it was too soon. I have to keep myself closed off when it comes to the Avengers. I cannot be heartbroken again.

"Oh, sweetheart" Laura said and she enveloped me in her arms. The feel of her arms around me made me cry even harder.

"Why don't you want me here? Is it because you don't trust me a-a-around Lila and C-Cooper?"I asked and Laura pulled away from me. She lifted my chin up so that I was looking her in the eye.

"You listen here, Ava, and you listen good. If I could keep you here, I would, okay. You have been so good around my children and there is no one I trust more than you, okay. But we cannot do anything more for you here, okay? I want you to prosper as a superhero and you cannot do that living here on the farm, okay. You have to go to Avengers tower and train under Captain America and Black Widow, okay. Your past has nothing to do with it, okay. You were not in control when it came to activities. You were under the thumb of Hydra and you were too innocent to know any better, okay. The minute that you did understand that what you were doing was wrong, they mind-controlled you to think otherwise. Then, once you were out of said mind-control, what was the first thing that you did? You helped the Avengers. Your only family was on the other side of the fight but you still fought with the Avengers. Why? Because you knew that it was the right thing to do. Ava, you are a good person and I hope that one day, you see in yourself what I see in you. Okay. I love you, sweet girl. Now, get a good night's sleep because Clint told me that you were leaving in the morning" she said, kissing me on the top of my head and leaving my room. I pulled the covers back and got under them.


"Ava" I heard someone call so I opened my eyes to see Pietro. Pietro had bullet wounds everywhere and I gasped. He looked so hurt and sad, I thought to myself.

"Pietro, this is how you died. Oh god, I am so sorry that you weren't there" I said and Pietro's face went dark.

"It is all your fault, Ava. You are the reason that I died. I would still be alive if it wasn't for you. Your parents would still be alive if it wasn't for you. No wonder your father didn't want you" he said, rushing at me.

"No, " I said, tears running down my cheeks. He grabbed me and stabbed me. I gasped, feeling my life leave me. "And now, you will know how I feel," he said, pushing me. I began to fall, seeing Pietro smirk down at me.


Tears ran down my cheeks as I woke up. That dream really hurt. That really hurt. I wonder if that's true. Is it my fault that Pietro died? Could I have prevented his death? Wanda came into my room and saw my state.

"Ava, are you okay?" she asked and I looked at her, tears still in my eyes.

"Wands, was his death my fault? Was it my fault that Pietro died?" I asked and Wanda quickly wrapped her arms around me.

"Of course not. Ava, it is not your fault. Pietro sacrificed himself for Clint and a little kid. He would have done the same whether or not you were there" she said, wiping my tears away. She walked out of the room. I got ready for the trip to Avengers tower in New York. I left the room to see Cooper, Lila and Laura waiting for me.

"Don't forget about me" Cooper said and this about broke my heart. We did not hang around each other like Lila and I did but I still considered him to be a younger sibling. I hugged the young boy tight, feeling him sniffle a bit.

"Better tell me how you like having a younger brother," I said, ruffling his hair. He gave me a small smile to which I returned. I then found my way to Lila. "Look at my favorite member of the Barton family" I said, getting a playful glare from Laura, Clint and Cooper.

"I'm going to miss you, Ava" she said and I wrapped my arms around the young one. I felt her cry against my chest and I held her tighter.

"Listen here, Lila. I want you to write to me as much as possible. I want to hear from you as much as possible. I may be gone but it will only be for a little bit, okay. And no matter how far away I am, I will always be right here" I said, pointing to her heart. She giggled at me and I gave her a quick kiss on the head. I then looked at Laura.

"Come here, Ava" Laura said and I ran into her arms, feeling her arms envelop me. Tears pricked my eyes as I hugged her too. "Listen to me, Ava. You are like my daughter and the minute that you are trained to the best of your ability or the minute that you feel uncomfortable there, do not be afraid to call Clint or myself. I am here for you" she said and I began to cry.

"Thank you, Laura," I said, pulling away from the hug and smiling at my new mother figure.

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