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Kailyn POV

Never have I felt so happy in reaching the hotels. Not that sitting beside Ray really affected me,he was rather quiet but Tyson and Max were going to eat me alive,I swear.

I get a own room, privileges being the only girl in the team.

"Have a good night" Ray wished as I returned the gesture and turned away to go to my quaters. It wasn't really far away,just three or four steps away one can say.

I entered the room,put my belongings down and laid on the floor. Didn't want to go on the sheets without freshening up,you know. I whined to myself and forced myself to get up.

I wore quiet a thin outfit for comfort. Wearing work clothes (Which was nothing but jeans and shirt) was a bit conjusted. I spun around, letting the back of my dress flow. I straightn up my sleeves and jump on the matress.

Ah,what comfort.

And I soon enter dreamland.


The commotion outside dragged me out of my sleep. I put on a sweater and ran outside to the training dish. I looked up to see a green tiger looking at Ray. It then went straight into the air and vanished like a green light. I looked around to see Kevin's Beyblade finishing Ray's Beyblade and arguing with Kenny and Tyson.

Suddenly the battle between Ray and Kevin was forgotten and Kevin and Tyson had started battling.

"Oh Wow" I exclaimed looking up at Dragoon. That bit-beast was so majestic and it's tail was some reason for so detailed that it hypnotized me and I couldn't take my gaze off Dragoon. I shook my.head and realised the battle was long over and Kevin had returned something like a disk to Kevin.

Don't tell me he was trying to steal.

"Didn't know you gained such a weird habit" I commented as Kevin looked at me. "You don't get to speak here" He mumbled and ran away. "Sure I don't"

Kai walked up to Ray and said something to him. When did he come anyways,all dressed up. Before he could continue,I walked to him. I didn't realise the rain was pouring.

"Don't add salt to the wound Kai" I told him. Kai,who was facing his back at me,grunted and walked away. Shoot,I missed his face!The paint must be dripping,I tell you.

"Don't be so dissapointed Ray,I am sure drigger will come back. He loves you too much to leave you" Ray bowed his head and said nothing. Why am I always talking to myself?! I sighed and walked away, knowing I couldn't make Ray feel any better.


Well,the next morning sure was hectic. Ray had left the hotel and gone somewhere, saying that he didn't deserve to be on the team. Tyson had gone nuts,Max was normal and Kenny was confused.

"Tyson" Kai called out as the four of us turned to him. "Kai!"

"Why are you four wasting your time here?" He squinted his eyes. "If you haven't noticed,we are one member short Kai" Tyson glared. "He will come back. If anyone knows how to bring back Drigger, it's him and when he does he will come back stronger"

I really couldn't focus on his words,he looked too....handsome.

What the hell am I thinking?!I forcefully blinked my eyes and looked away,the colour of embarrassment shining right through me.

Tyson ran away, probably to find Ray as the two followed.

"Do I have to follow you guys?" I shouted and got a huge no from their end. I shrugged and turned to look at Kai.

"Why don't you practice and I could analyse your blade?" I suggested. "No"
Kai replied. "Oh,come on!Please. Just once!I have seen Draciel,Dragoon and Drigger!I want to see Dranzer too!" I whined. "You want me to practice just so that you can see Dranzer?" He mocked. "Oh, just listen to me this once!I will not ask you anything else" I said, pushing my orange hair back.

"Fine, follow me" He lead the way. I grinned at my success and followed him.


"Okay, let's start!" I cheered sitting down on the pavement and opened my laptop. Turning my camera at the dish,I gave a thumbs up at Kai as he launched his blue Beyblade.

His Beyblade possessed fire powers and had incredible magnitude. The blade's spins held importance as it scratched the dish. Dranzer was so strong that my laptop was unable to know further. I shut down my laptop and stared at his Beybladeing skills and momentarily looking at him. He looks a bit too handsome today.

"Got it?" Kai asked, taking his Beyblade back. He caught me looking at him as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"You were looking at me or my Dranzer?" He asked. I shook my head and bowed my head,a red colour flashing on my face.

"I recorded Dranzer and his magnitude was so high that my laptop couldn't handle it. I don't have dizzy in my laptop, that's why. I gotta say,he is so impressive " I said in 'aww'.

"I have something to show you. Come come!" I said,patting the space beside me. He shook his head and stood his ground. I stood up and linked my arms with him once I reached home, and pulled him. I sat on a height and bought my laptop,my arms still linked with him. He would run away if I leave him.

"Look. My email is the official email of this team and fans get to send letters. Almost all of it is love letters for you!" I said, excitement filled in my tone. With my arms still linked with him,I opened my email and showed him the letters.



My arms stayed linked with her as she showed me the 'love letters' fans had sent. I looked down at our arms and then at her. Her arms seemed small against mine.

"Dear Kai,
I can't express how much I love you. Your dranzer is so cool and you are so handsome.
Please notice me Kai!"

Kailyn laughed at the letter and looked at me. My face scrunched up in cringe as she continued reading the letters and I seemed to have forgotten our linked arms.

"Look who's back!" Tyson's voice sang. I looked up and suddenly felt our linked arms. I snatched away my arm and stood up.

"Ouch!" My arm weights must my hurt her.

Tyson,Max and Ray entered the area with huge grins on their faces.

"Kailyn,you okay?" Ray asked. I looked down at Kailyn who was still rubbing her arms. "Yeah, completely fine" She said, standing up with the laptop in her hands and going to Ray.

"Now,if you run away again it's going to be bad" She glared at Ray as the team shared a good laughter.

Bunch of kids I tell you.


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