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Kailyn POV

We are trapped between laser lights.

We entered level three through vents and explored the huge technological area. Reaching level four was truly a dream. They had the biggest of practice areas and exercise areas. Definitely one of my favourite.

But now,we had all entered the laser light area and we were trapped. It has been over 2 hours and I am sure Kai is worried about us. When we were about to cross the laser lights,Max suddenly screamed 'Mom' and set the sensors off. Oh God!

"Max,come back!" I yelled, running behind him as I noticed a huge glass wall almost falling on him. I pushed him aside but I, myself,was failing to stop my pace. I felt arms around my waist which pushed me back as both of us landed on the hard cemented ground. My back!

I looked beside me and saw Kai tripped on his face. Max ran to the door and slammed his fist against it to call Judy. She side-eyed us and began to walk away. "Oh Max" I mumbled, getting up. I thankfully smiled at Kai and went to Max. I laid my hand on his shoulder,to grab his attention but he was not backing away from that door.

I grabbed his wrist and turned him to face me. "Max!This is not going to help!She has left you alone to think of a way to get out of this!Just snap out of it!"

Max looked at me with teary eyes.

"Stand away you two. I have my own key" Tyson launched his Beyblade at the door. All Dragoon did was slid across the barrier and return back to Tyson's hands. Serious impact resistance glass,I see.

I turned my eyes at Kai to see my bag hanging for his shoulders. I walked to him and took it, mumbling a small 'thank you'. Good thing he didn't leave this in the cafeteria or all our secrets would have been busted.

"What's the fastest way out?" Tyson asked. "Pass them" Kai pointed out as everyone looked to their lefts to see two men covered in black cloth. They removed their hoods and chuckled at us. They threw amateur insults at us and,with a snap of their fingers,they put the alarm off.

The two men started speaking rubbish and claimed their team of having the best moves and all. What really was funny that they were offended that we were trying to take some of their information!Like they didn't take ours.

The two of them removed their black clothing to reveal....rugby outfits? One of them introduced himself as Steve and the other one,Eddy. They had rugby balls in their hands, probably their launchers. Why are they continuing insulting us?It makes literally no sense. We didn't even do anything to them!

"Can you stop babbling?" They were eating my head with thier nonsense. "And who might you be,my lady?" Steve asked. "It's none of your business"

Steve chuckled at me and shrugged at me. He challenged Ray and we had to fight another battle inside these headquarters! This is messed up. I just knew Ray would lose at the end and he surely did. Steve's Beyblade sliced through the hard metal glass that Dragoon couldn't even scratch! Technology is scary if you ask me. Throwing insults at Steve and Eddy,Tyson leaded our way. I glanced at the two and followed them.


We boarded our bus and the atmosphere was grim. None of us were in good moods when we realised that most of our attacks got leaked. I was sitting at the left end of the last sit with Max on other end.

It was a silent ride back to the hotel.


The next day

We were climbing up a mountain to a special area where we all could practice,it came in this morning. Max was excited that we were able to enjoy such scenes,it was good for his to keep his mind off his mother anyways.

"What all did Mr-Dickenson tell you?" Kai asked, looking back at me. "Nothing really. It was just this location and he said that this would be a good area to practice"

Kai nodded at me and looked forward.

The road was bumpy and Tyson was getting hit because he was not wearing a seat belt. Said that it was too uncomfortable,I wish he had a better excuse to be honest.

"Here's a suggestion,you might wanna try belting up" Kai suggested. "Hey,I will belt you!" Tyson replied back.Tyson's grandfather defended Kai.

We finally reached. It was just a jungle and a huge lake, nothing else. Why did Mr-Dickenson send us here?

"This must be some sort of joke" Kai said with his eyes closed and arms crossed. "Say what?!" Tyson asked angrily. Why was he always angry at Kai anyways?

A boy around our age jumped out of the trees and greeted us, claiming that Mr-Dickenson has send him. Reluctantly everyone seems to have agreed to train with him. I swear if he is one of Judy's spies,I will kill right now. Tyson and that boy where set to battle but when the battle did start the boy's Beyblade completly missed the dish and somehow he claimed that it was his best launch.

Antonio,the boy had introduced himself and I had completely missed it,started telling us his story and Tyson kept on encouraging him. Oh Boy,what are we doing here? Tyson suddenly decided that our team would teach the rookie,I mean we have to focus on our team blading for the American tournament! The tournament's strongest team already knows what our moves and strategies are but Tyson didn't seem to care one bit.

So,our team's ace blader has suddenly decided that we rest and enjoy the surroundings!Sure,when we are already on the verge of losing the tournament and it hasn't even started.

"What's up with Ray and Kenny?" I asked. "Oh, Ray's Beyblade is being resigned. Mr-Dickenson blames the loose on Drigger. That's why" I mouth formed a 'o' as I thanked Max and entered the wooden house.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I asked, keeping my bag down on the table and scanning the area. It has quite a lot of Beyblade parts. Maybe I could borrow some of it to make the Beyblades I sketch!

"Ah,I heard you were redesigning Ray's Beyblade. I can provide you designs if you like so" I suggested. It was time to help the team anyways. "Show me the designs!" Kenny said excitedly.

I took out my board and my laptop. My board had just two designs but my laptop had many. I clipped out the papers and put it infront of Kenny. Typing in the password I opened the file with the Beyblade designs and showed it to him.

"Wow Kailyn. These are awesome!" Kenny exclaimed, looking at my papers and scrolling through the models on my laptop. "Choose the strongest one for Ray and if you need help,I am outside" I grabbed my almost empty bag and made my way out of the room.

"Hey take thi—"

Ray paused. I looked back to see Ray with my board and he had seen Kai's half done sketch. "I like sketching so I decided to sketch the caps. It's sad that I couldn't even imagine him with a smiling face" I joked, keeping the board in my bag. Ray forced a small smile and nodded at me.

I came outside to see the men hard at work. They were all exercising. I set myself away from them and decided to finish that sketch.

Long day, eh?


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