Thirty Eight

251 13 2

Kailyn POV

My Beyblade crashed against the snow, slowing down just a bit. She gained back momentum and barely missed Tala's hit at Duplica. "Wolfburg!" A snow wolf came out of his blade, roaring. It threw ice knifes at Duplica. Duplica moved zig zag, trying to avoid getting hit by the blades.


The Beyblade increased her speed and disappeared. "Child tricks" Tala scoffed. Wolfburg stopped throwing the ice blades. The Beyblade caught my Beyblade and pushed it into to the snow.

I gulped. How did he know where I was? I ordered Duplica to get out of the thick snow and spin away. Wolfburg attacked Duplica from all the four directions. Duplica,with the help of a broken tree trunk,flew up and escaped Wolfburg's continuous attacks. Duplica fasten her pace and attacked Wolfburg. She pushed Wolfburg to the broken tree and pushed him with all her force. But it didn't work,rather the tree truck broke into pieces.

I widened my eyes. What the hell was happening? How was his defence that strong? Wolfburg spun flawlessly and raged at Duplica. With Tala's command, Wolfburg attacked. I squinted my eyes. All these attacks seem awfully familiar.

Duplica barely missed his claws attack and started running away.

"Isn't that cute? Running away?" Tala smirked. I couldn't answer him,my focus was already ruined because of those awfully familiar moves and I will lose the very little focus I have if I answer him back. I gulped, trying to think what I can do.

"Okay, Duplica." I breathed out. My Beyblade spun around the Bey dish and started preparing for the force field. I was late,I know. Wolfburg roared, raging at Duplica in full speed. "Defence!" I hurriedly ordered as a black gas covered Duplica's Beyblade. The defence was late, although it helped Duplica,she slowed down a bit and slipped deeper in the dish. But she didn't stop and circled the dish.

I looked up at Tala's Beyblade, half expecting that his Beyblade would fall out of the stadium. But it didn't,it came down in full speed with fire surrounding the Beyblade. I widened my eyes,why do I know that move so well?

It was as if Wolfburg was waiting mid-air,he came down right when Duplica was under him. He landed right on the centre and damaged Duplica,just a bit. Duplica fell right into the snow,due to the harsh impact. Wolfburg followed and attacked Duplica. Red light exerted from Tala's Beyblade everytime his Beyblade hit mine.

"Dranzer?" I whispered. I looked at Tala,who was smirking at me. "Time to show them to you,Kailyn. Bit-beasts!"

I stepped back and watched Drigger,Dranzer and Draciel coming out of Tala's Beyblade. The defence was Draciel,the claws was Drigger and the fire was Dranzer. How did I not realise earlier?

"Kailyn!You have to focus!Focus! Our bit-beasts might be with him but you know them better than he does!You can't doubt your knowledge and abilities!" Kai said from behind. "I have to attack them?"

I loved the three bit-beasts that stood infront of me. They were roaring at my Duplica and getting ready to attack.

"Kailyn,you have to!" Tyson yelled from behind. I gulped and nodded, informing that I had understood. "Dranzer!" The red phonix stood out tall and flapped his wings.

"Duplica!" I brought my voice back and yelled. A bright light shined through my Beyblade and a bit-beast came out of Beyblade. I smiled,it has been years since I had last saw her. She was a hybrid of a unicorn and phonix.

Tala gritted his teeth at my bit-beast but ordered Dranzer to attack.

"Oh,I am sorry Dranzer" I mumbled. "Duplica" She marched towards Dranzer and stabbed him with her horn. Drigger surrounded her right while Draciel surrounded her left. Duplica looked around and roared.

"Kailyn!Attack!" Max yelled. "Order Duplica to use her powers!" Tyson followed. I couldn't bring myself to order Duplica when all my friends bit-beasts have surrounded her.

"Forget that they are our bit-beasts. Treat them like any other bit-beasts,treat them like it's your first time seeing them!You can't back away because of the guilt you might hurt them!" Kai advised. I took a deep breath in and out. I opened my eyes to see Duplica being attacked by all the three of them.

If they don't hold back,why should I?

"Duplica,force back!" I ordered. Duplica flattered her wings hardly and the pressure of the wind was so much that the three bit-beasts flew back. "Draciel!" Tala yelled. Tala's Beyblade gained back momentum and crashed into a tree, making it fall down.

I jumped away, seeing the tree falling at me. I looked back at the dish and saw my Beyblade wobbling.

"Surprises Kailyn!" Tala laughed. Draciel threw water balls at me while Dranzer threw flame stabbers at Duplica. She defended and backed away. "Let me calculate,you have about 99 percent chance to lose" He laughed.

"I will survive the 1 percent then" I mumbled. Duplica escaped by a hair and her Beyblade was really wobbly. "Kailyn, concentrate will you!I told you this 5 seconds ago!You know our bit-beasts better than him!You know what he will do next!How can you fall this weak?" Kai yelled. "Yeah,do you think our bit-beasts like him?" Max yelled.

"You are going easy on them, aren't you? Because they are your friends bit-beasts after all" Tala smirked. "I am not" My voice came out a bit more weak than intended to.

"You are Kailyn!" Tyson yelled from behind. "What do you want me to do?!" I yelled out, frustrated. This was all draining my energy and that lousy bit-beast stealer wasn't cutting me slack either. "Win it. That's what we want" Kai growled.

"I thought of going easy on you but winning would be easier" Tala commented. I frustratedly yelled as Duplica copied the same. My Beyblade increased her speed and attacked, pushing Dranzer and Draciel back. The three returned to the Beyblade as Tala called Wolfburg out again.

He came out way stronger and batter this time as he snow stormed me. The floors started to ice up as I slipped and fell on my knees, desparatly hanging to my place. The spectators,my teammates and every single soul in the stadium covered their faces with their arms,to avoid snow and stood/sat tightly on their places.

"Agh!" I felt the battle and myself slip away.


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