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Kailyn POV

I hate it when I am wrong. 

But today Max had to prove I was wrong,he just has to.

Max nodded at me and turned to the dish for the second battle. I crossed my fingers and heard the match starting. Michael tried to play the same move he had before on Max but how I loved to see his shocked face! Max was defending perfectly. Max commanded Draciel and fear splashed across Michael's arrogant face and his Beyblade flew out.

I jumped up and clapped. Max turned to me with a wide smile while I returned it back. I mouthed 'one step to go' as he enthusiastically nodded at me. I could see Judy all tensed up and I heard something named 'power pitch'. It won't be good for Max,I just know.

The third session begins. Trygale roared and Draciel was losing control. "Max!I thought you had to prove me wrong!You had to make me regret that I still think Kai would be a better choice against Michael!What happened to that?" I had to trigger Max,I just had to. His Beyblade was against the nets and Trygale didn't let Draciel attack.

"I am trying Kailyn!" He screamed back. I know Max,I know. I had to think. Max took a moment and suddenly started smiling. He had figured it out. "Come on Max!" I cheered on. How beautifully Max has managed to stabilize himself! His water tornado pushed Trygale to the end of his capacity and we were declared winners of the American tournament!

I cheered and made my way up to Max. He turned and allowed me to jump into his arms. He did a little spin and laughed. "Oh God Max!You did it!"

"I did!Now do you regret choosing Kai over me?" He joked. I laughed and soon we were tackled into a hug by Kenny,Max and Ray. Oh,how I love this team, including the team captain who hadn't taken the pain to come up. We climbed down as the All Starz congratulated us.

I looked over at my team and smiled, knowing we had a lot more to conquer than just America.


We were given a month off before we went back into action. I stayed back in America,to explore the place mainly. I got in a letter that BBA had booked us cruise tickets and we were going to Russia. I denied at first,I was doing anything to stay away from Russia but destiny didn't want so.  Mr-Dickenson's strict orders tied my hand and now I am on a cruise to Russia.

I was in some corner of the cruise, munching on boiled corns and enjoying the light breeze kissing my face. I heard loud howling and shouting from a place as I,out of curiosity,went to check out. It was a Beybladeing area and it seemed as if two people were fighting. I recognised Kai, who wasn't hard with his signature blue hair. I walked to him and silently stood beside him, seeing Tyson and some other man with purple hair battling.

"What did I miss?" I whispered. Kai looked at me and shook his head. "This has just began"

The purple headed man had called out his giant bit-beast which matched his hair colour,to be honest. I looked at the bit-beast and recognised it.

"Griffolyon" Me and the man said at the same time. My voice was obviously over-powered by his. Kai turned to me,shocked. The huge bit-beast briefly turned his eyes at me but attacked Dragoon and went back into his Beyblade in a matter of seconds. The man called his Beyblade back and looked at it confused.

"Robert?" I called out as the man turned. So,I was right. "Kailyn" He called out surprised. "What are you doing here?" He asked,a gentle smile taking place on his lips. "A cruise to Russia,I suppose you are Europe?" He nodded and walked closer. "Alone?" Robert asked. "No,my teammates" I replied back. "Where are they?" He turned to look around.

"You were battling him, Robert" I chuckled. His face darkened. "Oh,so them." I nodded at him. "Yeah. This is team captain Kai and the one you were battling was Tyson..." I introduced all of them to him. "So, what's your role in the team?" Robert asked.

"Impact Substitute you can say" I said as he mocked a laugh. "Impact Sub?You are letting Duplica down like that?" He asked. "Their bit-beasts are as strong as mine Robert" I defended. "It doesn't seem so. Duplica was able to defeat Griffolyon,his bit-beast didn't" He pointed at Tyson. I fell short of words. "Hope to see you around Kailyn and come to Europe." Robert bid me a goodbye.


The sun was setting and the team still couldn't believe that Tyson had lost so horribly.

"Would you like to tell us how you know him,Kailyn?" Tyson gritted his teeth.

"Well, although I am Russian born half of my life,or most of it I stayed in Europe. I went to a private school were Robert,too,was receiving education. I was friends for 5 years probably before I had to go back to Russia"

"Then you must know if Griffolyon is real or not?!" Tyson boomed. "It's very real Tyson. They have heridetary passing of bit-beasts and Griffolyon is one of the strongest" A warm smile made up my face. I always had a soft spot for Griffolyon,he was special. "His bit-beast seems special to you" Ray commented. "Because Griffolyon is. He was the first bit-beast I ever saw with my two eyes. I saw him when I couldn't even see my bit-beast. When me and Robert fought for the first time,he lost and claimed that Griffolyon liked and respected me as his owner,he couldn't see me get defeated. I believed him and Griffolyon holds a special space in my heart"

I remember when I first saw him. He was majestic.

"How did you defeat him?" Tyson asked. "Well, that's all Duplica. She created magic. I was a mere kid when I battled Robert. I had no knowledge on how to control a bit-beast so Duplica took things into her own hands made us win"

Tyson fell on the ground, dejected.

"Tyson. You can't lose hope. Like I said,your bit-beast must be as powerful as mine and can defeat Griffolyon. We will get a way like we always do" I comforted.

"I disagree completely,we should remember this low point. Not on your knees, specifically" Didn't Kai already know not to mess with Tyson when he is hot headed. "But how our team was defeated by an outsider. This will be a constant reminder,of how we can never rest on our laurals"

"I am referring to the team Tyson,your defeat could happen to any of us execpt Kailyn."

"Let's go back to training" Kenny suggested.

"Well,we will figure it out like we always do"


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