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Kailyn POV

Kai smirked and returned back to our pavilion as the members congratulated him.

"Max,go for the third round" Kia suggested. "Huh?" Max asked. "Let Kailyn be our second blader" He turned his gaze at me. "What?" I asked. Why wasn't I informed that I was going to play today?

"Well,Max has got fans in the audience and I am sure they would love to watch him go against the strongest blader of the opposition. Tyson can rest for today" Kai reasoned. "That was the most you spoke till date Kai. Congratulations!" Tyson laughed, sitting down. "Why must I go?" I asked. Not like I really had a problem but I rather not when I see 5 cameras already surrounding us.

"Prove to Emily that we aren't just name-sake subs. We match up to our team's level and sometimes are even better" Kai said. I shrugged and nodded at him, accepting the match. "Best of luck for the third round Max" I said, grabbing my Beyblade and walking up to the dish.

"A debutant it is!Welcome Kailyn,the second substitute to the Bladebreakers team. Her stats are still fresh and require some action to show herself to the entire world!"

"Pedro of the Renegades. Matador attack was his main and he came from a long line of bull fighters" I registered in my mind while getting ready. "Don't think I am as easy to defeat as my teammate!He is a musician while I am a fighter"

"Why is everyone on their team in the wrong field?" I mumbled to myself. "It's almost insulting for me to fight against a mere debutant!" He mocked. "Well you kinda have to. Bummer" I mocked back. He gritted his teeth and took out his sword, probably his launcher.

His matador played around and treated Duplica like she was a puppy or something. He pulled out his red cloth and waved it. My attention fell on his Beyblade as I saw spikes coming out of it. "Ah,I get it" How I love my mind. When he stretched at Duplica,she moved aside, making metador hit the rock and crumble it down. "Playing around are we?" Pedro asked. "You can term it at such"   I smirked at him. "Well,the battle is going a bit too long for my taste. Duplica,charge!" Duplica spun around the dish and charged at metador. Duplica grabbed his horn and made it spin around, eventually throwing the Beyblade off.

"Ah,too late for my taste" I mocked myself and smiled at the bull man. "Great play tho" I complimented, ordering Duplica and turning away.

"Maxy,make your mom proud" I encouraged, taking my seat.

"Good job!" Tyson high fived me. I smiled and looked forward to his match.

The match was stretched up Max won and we were one step closer to the finals!

"Kai, don't tell me Emily's words got you riled up so that you could prove that we aren't just name-sake subs. " I asked. "I wanted to prove that your Duplica and my Dranzer aren't less than Dragoon,Draciel,Drigger or any of their make up bit-beasts. We are as strong as they are and it is clear now" He smirked.

"Aww. I actually might get a crush on you Kai. You are so heroic!" I made fake heart eyes at him. "Please don't" He said disgusted as I laughed in reply and nodded at him.

"Wouldn't want to commit that mistake"


Day two of the American tournament and we were standing infront of the Savage Slammers. I could hear Tyson's Grandfather cheer on us. Well,the savage slammers were really something else,one was sleeping,one was playing with something and one was eating.

"Like that's going to help. Just face it. All those statistics are useless" Kai answered back. Well Kenny wanted to find data on these bladers but Dizzy failed to so our captain had to butt in,you know. We had decided that Max would be on rest today and I would the one battling. I was excited,it had been a bit of time since I got into serious blading action.

They revealed the stadium and,wow,it looks like a beach and was called the tsunami stadium. It would be fun battling here.

"Ray from the Bladebreakers and Diego from the savage slammers!" The DJ announced. All though they look innocent and dumb,I am sure Diego wasn't in the top 25 of the BBA rankings for no reason. His infamous Iguana attack earned him that position.

"Let it Rip!"

Diego kneeled down and looked at his Beyblade. Ray used the tiger claw and put Diego's Beyblade into the water. Ray turned back, thinking the fight was already over. "Just watch" I heard Kai say.

"Iguana attack!" Diego jumped up as his Beyblade followed the same."Finish him! Attack him, Iguana!" Ray turned and gasped in shock, seeing his Beyblade go into the water.

"Diego from the Savage Slammers is the winner!"

Ray walked back dissapointed.

"Hey guys,what do you think about my pet Iguana. Isn't it cool?I perfected it myself and it has never lost any battle" He showed off his Beyblade. "It was very impressive,I gotta say" I forced a smile. He seemed like a child and I wouldn't like him to be upset. He recited his Iguana story and it was.....inspiring? Yeah, inspiring.

"Well,best of luck to me" I wished and walked up to the dish.

"Let's go,Kailyn!"

"You got this!"

"Their bit-beasts are island based so they know the dish inside out. So be careful" Kai said at the end. I raised my Beyblade at him in a sign of thanks and looked forward to the match.

Max and Tyson cheered on. I can't describe how glad I am to have such teammates.

"And now round two is Kailyn taking on Fernando!" Both of us made our way up the dish.

"Kailyn,the talk of the town AJ. Her high level thinking gained her fame and stats! Her awesome bit-beast Duplica works alongside Kailyn and makes her emerge victorious!"

"Fernando is the one against Kailyn and she better watch out for his seal-shark attack. The shark might eat her and she still wouldn't have an idea"

"Brad,you are bad at this"

"Whatever AJ"

"And....let it Rip!"

"Why is he going into the water?" I asked seeing his Beyblade land right into the water. "Well debutant,I have heard a lot about you. I will tell you why in just a second" Fernando laughed as his Beyblade came out of the water. "Shark-seal attack" The Beyblade launched at Duplica and bounced it up and down. "Oh" I said seeing Duplica bounce like a ball.

"I will tell you a story. I was once blading and my Beyblade fell into the water. I wanted it back!So a seal came up and started playing with my Beyblade. From that day,I have the bit-power of a seal!" He laughed. "Ah, okay" I nodded at him.

"Duplica, let's get this over with" Duplica landed on the ground and spun around the Beyblade,not letting it attack like before. Before Duplica could finally put the end to it,the Beyblade went back into Fernando's hands. I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"He quit" I said, dissapointed.

"The second match goes to Kailyn of the Bladebreakers"

"One heck of a match" I mumbled and sat back down. "It was good, don't worry" Ray comforted as I smiled at him.

The opponent was definitely annoying Tyson and putting him out of focus. Tyson's grandfather made it to Tyson and adviced him to stay calm. Although the match seems like it was in Axel's way,Dragoon made sure it was the other way around and we were into the semis!


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