part one

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Life is a beautiful mess which is solve when we death.
No one knows that death is more peaceful than life . I doesn't understand why people afraid of death.
Death lead towards peace which everyone wants in their life.
Everyone feel that death is more hard than life but I think that life is more difficult than life. Life always come with problem and death comes with the solution of that problem that is cause by life. At death we find the every thing and we are free from every bondage of world. Everytime, every second, every minute, every hour and every day lead you to death .

Life is also beautiful as death when you have loved one who loves you till the end. Life is more difficult it's also lead you toward but we have to strong and have to face every thing because I am not weak like my mom said to me. My mom.
I will face every problem mom I am strong just for you. Just for you.
A boy standing in his balony and seeing the star which remind him of his one and only loved one his mom.
Who left him when he was just child .
Sky always give light in darkness of night just like his mom give him inspiration of life that he has to live for her . The promise he made to her mom that he never lost hope in life.
He is living because of this promise if his mom didn't take promise he already end his life because of daily pain he has to face.

The boy come to room and move towards table. He take box of medicine, go to his bed and start treating his wounds which is resently giving by his father because he lose a important deal and start blaming him because of him he lose his deal he is bad luck for family . He is just useless .
He can't to anything except just eating and sending money.

" Why mom I am that bad that no one Love me. I am not worthy of anything is dad right I am bad luck. Because of me you committed suicide mom please came back or take me with you to star ⭐. I also want the star which is shining in the dark ocean . Please mom show some mercy on me "
That boy saying while stare the star through window and slowly  draft in sleep because of unbearable pain and tireness of whole day . In the hope that next day will take some happiness in his life

Time skip ( morning🌞)

A boy sleeping peacefully in his bed and sunrays is kissing his face and he groan in his pain. Slowly withdraw from sleep and slowly sit because still pain of yesterday night but he is habitat always awake in pain it doesn't give him that hard time so he rush toward bathroom after checking the time

After morning routine he ware his clothes and use make up to hide the ugly scare of face and neck which has clear mark of finger because his father yesterday night grab his throat extremely tightly.

After doing his makeup he grab his beg and rush toward stair and made his way toward to make his and his father breakfast.

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