part 14

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Taehyung waiting for jungkook. He go to roof it is already evening. But jungkook doesn't came to home. Taehyung understand why jungkook knock his door might ask for help but he is ignore now he wants jungkook safe .

After few minutes he decided to search jungkook when he going to leave roof he hear horn of car he immediately stand where he can see.

Jungkook came out from car looking happy. And he notice other man with him he hug jungkook .taehyung can't see his face but seeing another man hugging his husband make his blood boil. Jungkook broke hug and older one kiss his check they are looking like prefect couple which is so on love which make taehyung heart ache.

Jungkook say good bye older one and came inside . Taehyung also came down at hall see jungkook smiling like idiot . His eyes fall on bandage on his finger.

Taehyung : where are you this late?

Taehyung talking to jungkook in harsh tone he is thinking that on first day of marriage jungkook is cheating on him which is making him more angry.

Jungkook : my finger get hurt and start bleeding. I search for first aid box but I didn't find it so I decided to go out to medical store.

Taehyung : who is guy with you?

Jungkook : oh he is my hyung. I was walking there was no car there I call hyung he came and pick me. Instead of medical store he took me to hospital. So I came late because of it.

Taehyung : ok first give me your number. You are my responsibility if something happen to I will blame so give me your number fast.

Jungkook give his number to taehyung. Taehyung call at jungkook number to varify it right or wrong. He is calling jungkook but there is no ring sounds.

Taehyung : jungkook where is your phone.

Jungkook : my phone.

Jungkook check his phone but he doesn't find it. Taehyung is still on call from other side someone pick up phone. Taehyung call jungkook and take call on loud speaker. ( for your kind information jimin was the one who take jungkook to hospital)

Jimin : who are you ?

Jungkook : hyung its me

Jimin : oh baby kookie it's you. Your phone is with so don't take tention

Jungkook : ok hyung

Jimin : your hand is find baby.

Jungkook : my hand is fine.

Jimin : you know father is calling you for ten minutes straight.

Jungkook : send him message that you have my phone you already know passward of my phone.

Jimin : ok baby kookie take care bye

Jungkook : you also take care hyung. I miss you.

Jimin : ok miss you too

Jimin cut call. Taehyung 's whole body rapt is jealous and anger. Taehyung try to control his anger.

Taehyung : jungkook who is and why he is calling you baby.

Jungkook : he is my hyung.

Taehyung : he is one who you going to marry

Jungkook : huu

Taehyung : ok you both look very close to each other.

Jungkook : yeh when dad used to abuse me he is one who help me .

Taehyung : oh he seem very close.

Jungkook : he loves me very much

Taehyung looking like he lost his control. He grab jungkook hand and drag him upside.

Jungkook : taehyung hyung please leave me it hurting

Taehyung is grabbing jungkook injured hand which is causing trouble to jungkook.

Taehyung doesn't listen anything he forcefully take jungkook to his room amd lock the door so jungkook can't escape.

He push jungkook to wall and pin both hand above his head. Jungkook is struggling from taehyung grip. Saying him to leave him. But taehyung grip more tight wherever he plead to leave him . Obiviously Taehyung is more stronger than jungkook .

Taehyung : stop move or it gonna more worse than you think.

Jungkook : leave me please.

Taehyung doesn't say anything. He try to kiss jungkook. Taehyung lean forward and jungkook move away . Taehyung getting frustrated by these action.

Taehyung : I am giving you last warning stay still.

Taehyung raise his voice in impact jungkook stay still but his tear is flowing nonstop . He can't understand what in taehyung mind and taehyung behavior.

Taehyung lean and again try to capture jungkook lips but jungkook start sobbing and tear start flowing again from his eyes. His vision get blind because of new tear.

Taehyung stop his lip inch away from jungkook. He came to reality and quickly back away.

Taehyung : get out.

Jungkook without thinking twice strom out from taehyung's room and run toward his room. He lock himself.

Jungkook slid his back to door and sit there . He start crying.

After few moments jungkook gather himself he lay down to bed. He is still sobbing thinking about taehyung previous event.

On other side taehyung is upset from his own unnecessary behavior to jungkook. He is one to told about find his love one and now he is not liking the fact of jungkook with another man. He couldn't control himself. From childhood he is possessive over things which is belong to him. He is always scare of loosing his things. He can't get his parents love to make him secure now he is most insecure person.

( let's see what's written in their destiny lol I am one who knows their destiny in this story😏)

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