part 19

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magical ✨time skip

After one week jungkook came home he is so much happy after five year he saw his hobi hyung who has his own company. His father also apologized for everything what he done to his sons but jungkook stoped him to tell about how he married to taehyung he told that he and taehyung in love so they marry that early.

Hoseok was very happy for jungkook and his married life but regret that he didn't attend jungkook marriage.

Every thing so happy for jungkook now jungkook good bye his dad and hobi hyung who will live together with jeon along with his family.

Jungkook : bye dad as he hug jeon and he move toward hobi hyung and his wife . He did good bye to them

Jungkook take his luggage and he call taehyung to pick him up but taehyung said he has important meeting he is sorry. So jungkook take cab and he reach at home he saw taehyung talking to someone.

Taehyung : oh mochi I am coming don't be mad look I am coming.

Taehyung cut the call. He turn around see jungkook standing their with luggage.

Taehyung : oh you come welcome home.

Jungkook : yeh what are doing there you said you are in meeting now I see what are doing.

Taehyung : sorry jungkook I have date with someone special that's why I didn't come to pick you up.

Jungkook : that someone is so special that you didn't come to party while I was waiting for you like a fool.

Taehyung : which party.

Jungkook : are you serious or you gone mad . I told you before going to my home that my hyung came after five year and you have to come but what you did I was looking fool when my hyung asked that where is your husband. I was keep telling him that he is coming I called you so many times but why you will attend my call. I am fool to understand that I have some place in your life but I am not . Why are doing this when I already told at least tell that you are not coming or pick up by phone .

Taehyung : look jungkook I am sorry if you have to embrace because of me.
Now I have to go I will talk at night

Jungkook : where are you going ?

Taehyung : oh I will tell later I am going late so take care .

Taehyung without listening more he go out. Leaving crying jungkook there . Whose knee became weak he came to know taehyung have someone special in his life he doesn't have any chance with taehyung why his destiny write so many difficult to find some love why he has to suffer for someone else did now he decided to talk to taehyung and he can't keep his feelings to himself more he has to confess before it became late or he lost taehyung for forever.

Jungkook plan everything. He decorate everything with Florence candle and  flowers.

While with taehyung

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While with taehyung.

Taehyung pov

I can't hold myself when he is near me. He make me fell happy and he is so prefect for me.

I always wanted a prefect partner I am not saying that jungkook is not good but he is not my ideal type.
I always want someone who will help in office and always around me . Who will reduce by stress. Atlast I found my prefect one today I am going to take him to date I hope he will accept me.

I don't want him to reject me. I am so nervous. Taehyung be strong everything will be alright I have some hint that he also like me.

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