part 2

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Boy start making breakfast . After finishing he take himself toward his father room so he can wake up his father for office but his leg are shivering due to fear but he gather his all power and enter in room after knocking.

" Mr. Jeon please wake up. I already make breakfast so please eat it. "
With politely and fear is clear feel in his voice.
His father wake up give him push and boy fall in ground and his knee hit the table because of this his knee of bleeding .
Mr Jeon make his way toward bathroom without looking the boy who is struggling to stand up .

With lot of struggling boy stand up from the floor and go down after treating his wound  for breakfast.

After 25 minutes Mr. Jeon come down and both start eating their breakfast without a word with pin drop silence only have the sound of spoon which in hitting in plate  .  Mr. Jeon eat his break fast and fastly rush toward the office for meeting. And boy made his way toward his college today his graduation day and last day of his college life.

At college

Boy reach at college gate where his best waiting for him. He wave his hand toward his friend

" Hey!  Jiminie hyung " With a bright and bunny smile.
" Hey jungkook " His friend park jimin answer and stair the young one with lovely eyes anyone can say how many he loves the young one but our jungkook is a naive and innocent  . He never know how much older one love him but young one love him as brother which tear apart the heart of older into million piece but never have that much courage to say that young one to love him like lover not brother and always be his side. His crush one young one always getting hard and he start image in sexual way also. He hate himself to think about young one sexually buy he can't help he wants young one to touch, to cuddle and to make love with him.
So he is ready to try any to make young one his even for only one time  . It is called obsession and possession so he already admit that he is.
Now his one and only wish he wants to fulfill is make young one his even if for one time and he will have him in any way and no one can stop him.
For young one he is getting out of control. His self control seem like end at any time and he just want to fill the young one with his love.

" Hyung I am so excited today we are going to graduate "

" Oh yeah but after that I can't see regular I am going to miss you "

" My little and cute hyung I always gonna meet you and call you. So there is nothing to miss "

" But you are going to meet evently "

" Ok don't pout like this lets go celebration going to start " Jungkook took the hand of jimin and drag him inside .

After the event

Jungkook and his friends are standing at outside the college  .

" Jungkookie you top in whole college congratulation " One of his friend say.

" Of course my jungkookie is the best and he is looking so cute I want to eat him right now " Jimin says when rapping his hand around the jungkook and pulling him more toward him, making young one blush in  embarrassment.
" Of course eat him after going home "one of frnds state the sentence.

" Oh yeah of course he is mine "
Jungkook doesn't understand what his friends talking about so say usually so young one think that they are saying that friendly.
Whole college and including their friends know that how much jimin crazy for jungkook and whole college ship them as couple but our innocent never understand that oh so naive.
" What are you talking about how can hyung can eat me if he cook me i am going to die. Hyung want me to die "
Tear starting falling from his eyes but jimin weep them and glare that other to say these things.

" Baby no gonna hurt until I am with you so dont cry " Talking jungkook in his arm and feeling his body against jungkook  . He is feeling so good he wants to make the young one his.

" Ok hyung i love you " He says in friendly way.

" I love you to little bun " 

On other side

At Mr. Jeon office

" Sorry sir we could make the deal. We lost it "

" How can we lost deal our company going like we gonna bankrupt "

" Sir what we do " Employee says to Mr Jeon  .

" Again fix the meeting with Mr. Kim. I personally gonna attend the meeting and deal with it "

"Ok sir I conform the meeting date and tell you "

" Ok dismiss " Mr. Jeon Says with irritation. He wants to go home and beat jungkook without any mercy and take out his all stress . But he can't he has a important meeting .

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