part 6

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Next day

At Jeon mension

Jungkook wake at 6 am due to alarm. He do his morning routine. He came out from bathroom and make way towards his bed. Start thinking about yesterday night. He felt so good that his father accept him but he is scared that his father start again beating him he is scared he is dreaming if he wake up his happiness will ruin.

After he walks towards his father room and he stop at door. And he knock but don't get any response so he decide to go inside . He open the door and go towards Jeon bed and shake his father.

" Dad wake up "

Jungkook close his eyes because his always throw or push him on ground. He is waiting for getting push but nothing happens.

After few seconds, he open his eye and he see his father has tear in his eyes.

" Dad are you hurt anywhere "

" No jungkook I am sorry my child. I am so bad how can I hurt a pure soul like you "

Jeon eyes fill with so much guilt and regret for doing horrible things to jungkook he never realized that jungkook is also a human who have feelings. He torture jungkook both physically and mentally. He doesn't know how to make things right.

" No dad I already forgive you so don't cry it's hurt to see you like this. You are strong dad. I also want you to forgive me for mom death . I am weak dad please protect me I don't want to marry that rude person. "

" I promise I will protect you in any cost you don't have to marry taehyung "

" Thank you dad I love you "

" I don't deserve you. Don't say thanks I am one who have to thank you "

" Let's forget past and start you life with you and hyungs "

" Ok my child "

" Father please forgive hobi hyung . He just wanted start his own company dad. He just feel like if he take over company it is not his own but your. He wanted to build his own company. Please forgive him for me dad please "

He says with his doe eyes which make anyone melt how can his father doesn't melt .

" Ok I forgave him but I will call him when he came from America we will give him surprise ok dear after one month "

" Ok dad I will not call him and give him sudden surprise he will be happy "

" Ok now go make break fast I want to eat your delicious food "

" I will go and get ready for office "
He says like he is boss which made Jeon chuckle and he again fill with guilt for loosing precious moments in his life. He smiles at jungkook.

" Your majesty your word is my command "

Jungkook giggle at Jeon and left from room and walk like king.

At kitchen

Jungkook make breakfast with smile.
He thinks that he life because easy but he doesn't know real hunder is going to his life which can make his life hell or can make his life more beautiful . What will written in his destiny God knows. ( or you can say author know 😏)

After few minutes Jeon came and they both eat their breakfast.

Jeon left for office and jungkook think he will spent his time with friends.

At Jeon office

Jeon reach at office and enter in office. All employees are whispering in each other ear. Jeon shout at them and they go back their work because they know that for Jeon work come first then anything. They start working and Jeon sign. Jeon didn't check his phone and company account because of stressful yesterday night.

Jeon call his secertary ,Mr.Choi. for what happening in his company everything is quite different from normal.

" Mr. Choi what is happening. In morning employees instead of working doing gossip. "

" You really don't know what happened "

" What happened Choi, please say clearly yesterday night is most stressful night so didn't work "

" Mr. Jeon Kim buy more than half of our share and possibility is that they want to take over company "

" Fucking Kim how dare to play dirty trick to make jungkook marry taehyung. I will let that happen "

" What will you do sir situation is going out of control "

" Fix meeting with fucking kim"

Jeon Secretary Mr. Choi call Mr. Kim Secretary for meeting. They immediately agree for meeting at Kim mension with one condition for take jungkook with him .

At night

Jeon explain everything to jungkook they have to meet them for their company and their employees who work hard to feed their families.

Jungkook also agree with Jeon and now they are going to Kim mension.
Jungkook doesn't feel good to hear their dirty game. But sake of company he has to do.

They reach at Kim mension. Jungkook heart start beating fast then normal.
They ring the bell after few seconds door open widely by Kim's maid.
They enter in mension Kim are already sitting in sofa like they are waiting for them for hours.

Kim namjoon : welcome Jeon

Jeon : making my and my child life you are welcoming us . You have to shame on your act but seeing your face I don't think at their is any sign of shame such a shameless family

Kim namjoon: don't you dare to say something about my family Jeon I am giving you first and last warning.

Jeon : look at you I think you are kind person but you are monster who are destroying many life just sake of your rude and heartless son. How life you gonna destroy. I will not let destroy you my son life. Ine more thing you can't even hear something bad about your family think how can I let you destroy my son whole.

Kim namjoon : I am sorry jeon but I have done it for my son future

Jeon : what about my son future. You want to marry my son to a person who don't know how to behave and give some respect to older people.
I know if you are me you also will let them marry answer me kim why your mouth silent sometime you are giving me threat what happen kim answer you will them

Kim namjoon don't say anything he remains silent he knows that he is jeon he will not let taehyung marry jungkook.

Jeon : now you not answering my question kim I think this is end of convention so don't even think that my jungkook marry your son taehyung and return the you buy jungkook let's go.

Taehyung : Mr. Jeon stop

Jeon and jungkook stop and turn towards taehyung for listening what taehyung going to say.

Taehyung : it is right that I don't love your son even don't like but it is my grandma wish to marry if you agree or not it doesn't matter now. Now matter is that you gonna marry jungkook happily or I will force you.

Jeon : if you don't have any intrest in jungkook why are you doing this. If I am not for marry you should be happy.

Taehyung : I know I have to happy but this my grandma wish her wish is command for me.

Jeon : how will you marry jungkook he already belongs to someone else and you should lay hand in other person future husband.

Kims : what

Kim hyna : you arrange marriage of jungkook with whom

Jeon : to my son love

Taehyung : he doesn't have someone special.

He says in low voice he also don't know why he hurt when Jeon say jungkook already belongs to someone else but he ignore his feelings.

Jeon : he have and he didn't say anything because I will not accept their relationship but I accepted.

Jungkook don't have any relationship but he didn't say anything because he know that his father are doing for his and company's best.

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