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He run toward him and engulfed him in his arm while yoongi looking at taehyung without blinking. That person he helped when he returned from America is jungkook husband wait wait that means he was crying for jungkook .

Yoongi : I have to talk to taehyung about jungkook . He said in his mind.

Taehyung place a long kiss in jungkook forehead while Jeon and yoongi looking at taekook at affection Jeon and yoongi can see pure love in taehyung action.

Jungkook broke hug while pushing taehyung little . Taehyung greet Jeon who also to do same back. Taehyung look over Jeon find yoongi who is already  looking at taehyung .

Taehyung : yoongi hyung  ( yoongi is few months older than taehyung)

Yoongi : taehyung is jungkook  that person you are talking about that night

Taehyung : yah how do you know what are doing here ?

Yoongi : he is my brother dumbo

Taehyung : hyunggggggg I am not dumbo.

Yoongi : whatever you say like you gave your number to call you

Taehyung : you didn't ask me

Yoongi : so what you can also asked even though I screamed behind your car for number like mad man but you didn't stop car

Taehyung : sorry hyung. Why did not you came at our wedding

Yoongi : like you invited whole seoul in wedding I was in America I didn't know until he get married.

Meanwhile jungkook and Jeon looking at them they are talking like they know each other for years.

Jeon : stop, who both you know each other

Yoongi : I will tell you later first I have to talk to jungkook. Can you us second

Taehyung : of course hyung

Jeon and taehyung sit on sofa where Jeon giving taehyung thread to taehyung to keep jungkook happy and safe

Yoongi and jungkook went to terrace.

Jungkook : how you taehyung hyung

Yoongi : when I came from America I saw a person crying looking at stars while laying on grass. He is talking to star by saying that he wants to give up on everything . I went to him because my heart is saying to help him . I Made him to tell about his story he tell me everything jungkook and he regret what he done. He also suffering jungkook . You already know there is no mistake of anyone what happened. We can't blame him everytime his childhood not is simple . You already give chance to dad why are you not ready to give chance to taehyung. You are the one who said that everyone deserve a second chance to correct what they did wrong. Now you are not even listening to him . For me give him chance I can sincerity and love in his eyes for you. I hope one day you also can see that . Don't be blind in anger jungkook . I want to say even we can get anger  only on that person we love .

Yoongi left from there to give jungkook to rethink about whole situation .

Jungkook : is hyung saying is right that I want to give our relationship a chance I want taehyung to prove his love for me. I will talk to taehyung.

Jungkook also came down and Jeon and yoongi left from there cause they have some work in company yoongi also have to go cause he is going to new CEO he have learnt about company.

Taekook left at home.

Taehyung : kookie let me take your luggage to our room.

Jungkook : our room

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