part 16

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Now taekook are having their dinner peacefully but both of them today their life is going to a biggest turn which is going to give them only pain anything less.

This day , in future everyone going to regret. It will change their life mostly jungkook. This is time to break jungkook little by little.

There their friendship turn into hate.
Now hate will take place into their heart. Their is only pain for jungkook and, guilt and regret for taehyung.

What is going to happen it just doesn't effect not only life but many more.

Taehyung eat his his break fast and stand up from his sit. Jungkook look at taehyung to say.

Taehyung : jungkook today I going to late so don't wait for me

Jungkook : ok but why

Taehyung : oh some business partner invites me for dinner so I have to go.

Jungkook : ok be safe.

Taehyung : don't wait for me.

Taehyung don't wait for reply he already rush outside from door.

Jungkook : ahh this boy never listen

Jungkook start doing his regular work like dishes and chore.

Meanwhile, taehyung reach at office in 25 minutes. Taehyung park his car at parking area.

Taehyung go to his office and his all day is same some meetings and other stuff.

Taehyung have private room in office while he uses when he doesn't have energy to go home or he have to get ready for parties.

Taehyung go to private room and change his clothes.

( he is look like this)

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( he is look like this)

Taehyung go to parking lot. He get inside his car in back sit . His driver start car.

They both reach at dinner party which is held by Mr. Park. Today Mr. Park is going to announce his heir to world.

Taehyung reach inside . The whole smell alcohol and sound of music. Some dancer dancing over the stage. Whole decoration is very expensive.
But taehyung give a glare to surrounding. He is tired and boring.
He always went to this type of party they are boring like hell to taehyung but he maintains his expression. He went toward Mr. Park who is talking to his other business partner.

Taehyung : hello Mr. Park

Park : Oh Mr. Kim you are here let you met my partners

Taehyung : sure

Park : Mr. Kim meet Mr. Lee my partner of new project.

Taehyung : nice to meet you Mr. Lee hope we also work in future.

Lee : it's my pleasure to work with you Mr. Kim.

Park : excuse me Mr. Lee. I have some important talk with Mr. Kim. Hope you don't mind

Lee : not at all please continue

Mr. Park take taehyung to corner where music is not loud so they talk peacefully.

Taehyung : what is that Mr. Park

Park : I want your help Mr. Kim I hope you will.

Taehyung : what is that

Park : you know I have a kid his name park jimin. I want you to take him as your secretary so he can learn more from you.

Taehyung : but.. ..

Park : help its a humble request . I know I have to teach him about business and all but I have to go canada for business deal. I will not come for six months straight. My wife is also coming with me. It is big deal if I don't go their it will huge loss for company. I really want your help.

Taehyung : I don't know what to say Mr. Park

Taehyung think for few seconds more. Kim and park like family to each other. Mr. Park is close friends of kim. They Are always help kims when they were in trouble. If taehyung refuse it, it will effect in their friendship and business. So

Taehyung : ok Mr. Park. You will send your son tomorrow at my office.

Park : I hope you will not get in trouble.

Taehyung : it's ok you are my family friends I can do this for you.

Park : jimin will handle company here please him in it also. I will go after one month so can you him your temporary secretory for one month.

Taehyung : ok Mr. Park

Park : thank you very much you don't know how much burden you less from my shoulder.

Taehyung : my pleasure

They both go back to party again.  It is very boring to taehyung. He is patiently waiting to over this party and he can sleep.

Party is going to end. It's time to important announcement from Mr.park.

Mr. Park came on stage. He grab mic

Park : may I have your attention please . Today is big day for park family and park company. I am going to announce future heir of park company . Without wasting time please came on stage Mr. Park jimin, my son.

Jimin came out from croud and went to stage where his father is standing with proud in his chest.

Taehyung only can see his back he is looking  familiar to taehyung but taehyung can't identify him.

Jimin turn his head towards people. He is so handsome and beautiful in same time. Taehyung eyes sparkle by his veiw ( lol jungkook is more beautiful than jimin 😘)

Now see what destiny decided for them. Lets see who will win in war of love taehyung , jungkook or jimin. I purple you💜

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