part 27

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Time skip

Taehyung without saying nothing futher walk away from Kim mansion after jungkook and jeon. He just want to clear his mind so he call jimin and after few rings jimin pick up his phone

Taehyung : hey are you busy right now

Jimin : yah you are sounding low taehyung what happened

Taehyung : I just want to meet you.

Jimin : ok where are you now I will came there

Taehyung : I am near angel park please came fast

Jimin : I am coming hold on okay

Taehyung : thank you

Taehyung hang up call and start waiting for jimin. When he look at old couple he also want to be like this to be with his love and grow old. He close his eyes to imagine himself like this but he saw himself next to jungkook.

They are laughing while their grandson is sitting in their lap they are telling them stories. A small smile curve in his lips. But reality hit him hard. He should be with jimin his love but he is with jungkook. He starting laughing at himself he even can't understand himself.

Still now he can't understand what he wants in his life , with whom he want to spend his life jimin or jungkook. He can't live his life on foolish decision he make. He has to find into him who he want. Or else he will regret.

After few minutes jimin came and look around to find taehyung. He turn around he found taehyung whose head is low. He himself consider taehyung as his friends. He admits it that taehyung is very nice person he hide that he has a husband whom his family force him to marry. He always make jimin comfortable around him.

But what can he do if he has to choose between love or friendship . He knows taehyung for one month but he love jungkook for years. His love is more stronger than his friendship with taehyung. He might be in guilt but for future happiness he is ready for this guilt.

He himself didn't propose taehyung he came himself he just take advantage of situation to get jungkook . If He is wrong but taehyung is more way to wrong than him. He at least never confused himself. He is totally straight forward . He knows what he wants. Jimin is more better than taehyung.

Jimin never tell himself any lie. He loves jungkook and that's is true. He also know that taehyung have a soft corner for jungkook even more than him. It scared him if he found out his own feelings and tell jungkook. He will lose jungkook for forever this time.

Love is hard it will give you happiness but love has also it's other side. It can give sadness instead of happiness. We can only take risk what future held it make your life flowery or being a rotten fruit.

Jimin came to taehyung and sit beside him. But taehyung still don't recognize his presence so he place his hand on shoulder to take him out from his dream world.

Jimin : taehyung

Taehyung : jimin when did you came?

Jimin : when you are day dreaming

Taehyung : ohh sorry

Jimin : why did call me urgent. You were sound tense.

Taehyung : I divorced jungkook.

Jimin : oh great we can live our life happily. Why are you sad now we should be happy we get what we want.

Taehyung : I don't want this divorce.

Jimin : what are you saying why you don't want divorce.

Taehyung : I can't just can't

Jimin : taehyung look at my eyes say why don't you love me

Taehyung : no, no l l...

Taehyung closed his eyes when he asked to himself what is love he see picture of jungkook who is looking at him with his special bunny smile and with so much love in his eyes. Taehyung open his eyes his all doubt is clear whom he love why his heart clinch when he heard divorce from jungkook mouth why he feel his world alive when jungkook say I love to him.

Jimin : what taehyung

Taehyung : jimin I am sorry I never loves you I love jungkook he also love. I came to know what is difference with friends and love. I always see you as my friend and but I can't understood whom I love. I never has any friend I doesn't know what is feeling of been a friend I mistook my feelings.  I am comfortable around you I think that I love you it just a misunderstanding jimin I am sorry because of my foolishness I am going to destroy three life . I can't keep telling lie to my heart any more I will just listen to my heart. My heart want jungkook. I will die if jungkook leave me.

Jimin : so that's mean you never love me

Taehyung : I am sorry

Jimin : your sorry I can't take away my pain of losing whom I love

Taehyung : I a..

Before taehyung say anything futher jimin stand up and ran from their. Taehyung just stay still looking at running figure. He knows jimin want some time alone. Suddenly reality hit him he sign divorce papers he has to destroy them before they reach at court.

Taehyung literally run toward his car and drive to Kim mansion where is divorce papers. Taehyung fastly drive and quickly reach at mansion where his father is already went out for official action for their divorce.

Taehyung run out from car he ring bell door soon one of their maid open door while taehyung taking long breathe and panting out . He ignored everything and went to Hall where is granny sitting in same position as he left and his papa Kim seokjin is consoling her.

Taehyung : papa granny where is divorce papers which I signed

Kim hyna : why are asking after what you did.

Taehyung : just tell me I will explain everything when I find out.

Jin : your appa already went with papers for legal action five minutes before. Why are you asking about them.

Taehyung : l love jungkook I can't leave him I will make him mine again after getting his forgiveness. I will accept my defect untill he accept me again

Let see will taehyung able to stop Namjoon on time before submitting divorce papers. Will jungkook able to accept taehyung again in his life. What jimin will do next to make jungkook his. Let's see who will win

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