part 33

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Taehyung : jungkook listen you are doing same what you do you never try to listen to me you said ready to give a chance to explain now you are the one who is walking away from me

Jungkook turn again and sit behind taehyung maintaining a good distance from taehyung he feel uncomfortable by taehyung touch now . Taehyung sign sadly understanding jungkook situation also if he was jungkook he do the same even worse by knowing his husband going to kiss someone else even it was but still without knowing him he should take any step and kissing is too much .

Taehyung try to hold jungkook hand and also see that then he said

Jungkook : don't touch me you are making me uncomfortable.

Taehyung eyes are filled by jungkook statement his love of life , his own husband, his best friend, his everything is uncomfortable by his touch he quickly discard his hand .

Taehyung : sorry I will do it again ( he smile)

Jungkook : good for you now tell me fast I don't have time I have somewhere to tomorrow . I need sleep
( he said cold and blank voice but inside have volcano of pain who is going to brush out anything and his eyes are teary as he looking at his lap taehyung didn't notice)

Taehyung : where

Jungkook : don't asked  any further question came to main point we are talking about.

Taehyung : after that I never ever think of him kissing jungkook. ( he stop and look at jungkook to say something but he didn't so he continue) he didn't accept he need time and as I came home you also proposed me. I could not make my mind to refuse you but still at my deep corner of my heart happy to listen that you love I am happy and sad at same time. I am thinking how to tell you like that one week fast . You are making feel like home when ever I came near to you it make my heart calm that time I was confused but I have to tell about him so I call him that time you heard me it make my heart stop to see in this situation still I am not clear myself whom  I love. I tried to explain but you left next day without listening anything if I want divorce or not you already came at conclusion by yourself. After seeing you desperate for signing that I also did same. I wanted to stop time just to hold you . You left with out even look at me once make my heart beat stop I feel like I am losing a piece of my soul you are pieces of soul you complete me. You are the one who make me feel like that . After you left from Kim manson I also went to clear my mind then I saw a old couple who was playing with their grandchild that was beautiful moment I close my eyes just to feel that moment whenever I try to me in like that in future you are one who is beside me no one else take your place you are my destiny jungkook even if want it or not. You can't stay away from meme even through you want. You are my family, my heart, my body, my soul, my everything if you try to leave I can't stand there I felt it once I am not to face it again to walk you away from me. Jungkook

Taehyung broke down completely he take tell everything which it eating him alive for month. I just want jungkook to believe him he ready to give jungkook time to think . He doesn't want to force jungkook he can not let jungkook away from him it hurt like hell.

Jungkook : what about him

Taehyung : when I went to park I call him and tell that I can't with him cause I love my beautiful husband

Jungkook has a wave of happiness when he listened 'husband ' from taehyung it make him proud over him when he heard taehyung.

Jungkook : are you sure if you find out  you don't love me as a man you will also leave me like him..

Taehyung can't be more shocked by this sudden question.

Jungkook : tell me do you leave me also for another when you left me like you did to him. We are toy to you whenever or wherever you can play with our feelings. If one day you get doubt on your own feelings towards me you will just say that I am out of my feelings and lleave me like  trash and move on to another one how can i trust you that you really feelings from me not a mistake just like you do before whatever he is. He also have feelings you can't hurt him saying one day saying that you don't love him. You are one who give him hope for future there is so many promise you left with him. If you give someone hope you have to fulfill them I can't stand next by a man who don't know meaning of hope and promise you have to go with him , make him happy like you promise if you love me once or little I give you swear of your love for me give him that happiness that he is longing in his life made him feel love move on from me. I can't be yours knowing my happiness build on some one pain what is his fault that you can't understand your feelings for me tell me what is his fault that he loves you that is his fault taehyung you have to be with him not me I can't this anymore you are changing people like cloth they don't have any feelings you feelings only matter to you you are selfish taehyung but I can't be selfish.

Taehyung listening everything carefully jungkook is right he is selfish he is the one who make that relationship now breaking it he feels like he is heartless who is playing with many people feelings.

Jungkook : we are not made for each other if we are we already together not getting divorced that's our destiny which never let us together you are destined with him you have to go now let sleep its getting late tomorrow I will shift to my room .

What will happen next? Guess

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