part 3

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At meeting room

"Hello mr. Kim nice to meet you" He bow toward Mr Kim and shake hand

" Hello Mr Jeon and also nice to meet you " With hand shake.

" It pleasure to meet you personal "

" My also Mr Jeon "

" Then start meeting " Kim nod

After meeting

" Ok lets make deal it is impressive project . From this project we can gain profit for both company " Kim says with calm look.

" Yes this project is huge project and i want invite you and your family for dinner tonight please come with you family "

" Of course mr. Jeon we will come thank you for your kindness "

"No mr Kim it's not kindness we can know each other so our can progress. Their is no trust issues between us we have to know each other"

" Yeah let met "

Same day at jeon mension

Jungkook reach at home. And wait for his father to show his result . He thinks that his father will proud after seeing his result.
At evening his come home early. And told him about dinner date and order him to make dinner for guest with the help of maids. Jungkook wants to tell him about result but his father doesn't give him time to talk so he doesn't say anything. He will tell his father after dinner he is so excited to see his father proud on him.

At night

Jungkook and Mr jeon are waiting for Kim family to arrive.
After 15 minutes Kim family arrive at jeon mension and mr. Jeon greet him and take them inside.
Kim namjoon introduce his family and mr. Jeon with each other.
Jeon welcome them with kindness and every one impress by Jeon act.
Jeon call jungkook and immediately jungkook came down with rush .
He gonna slip but immediately a handsome and tall take him his arms and prevent him from falling. They are looking in each other eye totally forgot about understanding.
Mr. Kim clear his throat as result they break their eye contact and stand straight.
A awkward atmosphere are surrounded around them.
Jeon give death glare to jungkook and jungkook become nervous and start sweeting. He is shivering from fear what his father give punishment after Kim left he is scared of his life.

After some time Kim hyna break the silence
" It's okay don't be nervous my child after all taehyung don't mind " Giving smirk to taehyung but taehyung roll his eyes in response.

" Thank you Mr. Kim nice to meet you " With politely and give his innocent smile which make everyone heart shiver and bow toward everyone greet them.

" Oww you are so sweet jungkook " Kim hyna says.

" Huh thank you " He blush slightly.

" Don't be nervous child it's mom  habit every time she see something adorable she is always like this " Kim jin says

" Their is no problem "

Kim hyna : they look so cute together I want you grandson in law.

She says with so much excitement everyone choke in air.

Tae: grandma what are you saying please don't say like that.

His voice annoying but his grandma say something which make everyone shock they can't process what is Kim hyna says. They are totally frozen at their place

Kim hyna :  what we turn business to relationship so can we make my grandson and your son marry.

Say to Mr Jeon who is still processing and don't say anything

Tae : what the hell you are saying please stop it . I already told I am not gonna marry anyone who is immature and see you are going to make marry this immature kid

He says with disrespectful  and jungkook has tear in his eyes but he blink them way so no one can see it.

Kim hyna : taehyung I like this boy. He didn't do anything to you . You don't have to insult him or say mean word. That's my opinion he didn't tell me marry you. Now what happened he never gonna marry someone like you. A disrespectful person.

Jungkook goes toward Kim hyna and wrap his arms around her and give his shoulder and taehyung show her grandma crying before he made way jungkook already reach and let her cry which make jealous.

Jungkook : don't cry mam I didn't hurt  by hyung word. I know I am immature so no need to shout at him . He only say truth.

Kim hyna : you are so kind . I really want to make this brat husband.

Kim namjoon and Kim seokjin already impress by young one behavior. They also want someone like jungkook their son in law.

Kim seokjin : Mr. Jeon and jungkook I am sorry for my son behavior. He is in bad mood so you understand.

Jeon : no Mr. Kim I understand I am also like him when I was young. I hadn't control in my anger.

Saying when looking at jungkook and give him death glare.

Jeon : let's have dinner it's already late, dinner became cold . Jungkook arrange the table.

Jungkook : yes dad

In hurry jungkook rusk to kitchen and after  Kim family and his dad sat at dinner table and eat their food with silence . Jungkook don't eat with he stood their in corner but Mr. Hyna call him.

Kim hyna : dear why are you not eating. Come sit beside me and have your dinner.

Jungkook : no mam I will eat later if you need anything please tell me.

Mr hyna : please

She going to say something  but Jeon interrupt her  and say to jungkook.

Jeon : jungkook Mrs Kim saying something do what is saying you can't understand. This kis is such a headache. You can't do anything prefectly such immature kid.

Say with irritation.
Taehyung also feel irritation in his voice . He feel pain in his heart when he see jungkook crying silently in corner. He also notice that young one don't eating with them. He also wants to young one to eat with them.

Namjoon : Jeon you don't have say like this kid come here and eat with us

No one noticed his tear but taehyung is only one who notice because he also used to cry like this silently.

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