part 36

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Jimin : jungkook I hope you will forgive me after hearing what I did I don't want you to hate me. Promise me you always be my friend even after whatever happened.

Jungkook : what are saying hyung I will always be your friend.

Jimin : first promise don't ever break it I just want tell I am guilty hope you will give chance.

Jungkook : promise hyung tell me now you are making me nervous.

Jimin : do you know whom taehyung is in relationship.

Jungkook : I never asked his name .

Jimin : jungkook is like that...

Jungkook : just tell me what ever is in you mind I will never hate you hyung

Jimin : that person is ..... Is m... Me I am sorry jungkook I want to separate you taehyung came himself to me so I decided to take this as advantage so you will came back to me. I really sorry I thought you will love me after taehyung left you. I try this whole month just to gain your small attention I fail very bad. I want you in my life. Call me selfish but I love you. But I can't understand the really meaning of love untill some one told me how to love someone without thinking about yourself just be happy to see them happy . Finally I know you were never mine nor will be in future so I giving up but it's doesn't mean I don't love you if you wherever you want I will came to help you.

Jungkook :h.. Hyung

Jimin hold jungkook hand tears are falling from their eyes.

Jimin : I know I did wrong but what can I do I wanted to selfish to keep you with me I always see happy around taehyung whenever his name call your face light up without you knowing. I hope you will able to forgive me I just want to separate you two I forgot I can't never get a place in your heart cause your heart already belong to taehyung. I want you to give chance to taehyung he loves you so much. He never loved me jungkook. First it just attraction but later on we became friends. He always talk about whenever I or anyone else mention you his face brighten up. If you forgive me then give taehyung chance. He will cherish you with his own life .

Jungkook : hyung I don't know what to say but what you did was wrong you don't have right to play with other feelings. But I can see you both regret for what you did . I am happy that you yourself told me if I get know from other it might break my believe on you hyung. I forgive you hyung. I want you to find some one who will love you not the person you love. He or she will also cherish you with their life. One more thing I don't want to tell this to taehyung might he will break down knowing his best friend do it. He already went through many things when time came I will tell him ok promise me not in your guilt you will tell taehyung this.

Jimin : I promise I will not tell taehyung until you say.

Jungkook : now stop crying hyung you looking ugly when you cry. Cry mochi

Jimin : whom you said mochi little brat.

Jimin snap jungkook head who is running around while jimin is behind him .

Jungkook : hyung catch me if you can

Jimin : jungkook stop running like bunny

Jikook take whole round of cafe while chasing each other both fall on chair. And start laughing forgetting about everything just enjoying their moment.

Jimin : kookie I want to ask you something

Jungkook : what is that

Jimin in mind : can I kiss you just one time.

Jimin : nothing

Jungkook : hyung you said you will tell everything now throw it out from mind now.

Jimin : I know I don't have right but kookie can I kiss you just once I want to lose my first to you. I want you to give me a kiss .

Jungkook : hyung

Their is awkward silence both of them they don't know what to do.

Jungkook suddenly get up while jimin looking at him if he is angry or not but jungkook came forward and lean towards jimin . Kiss jimin left cheek then right, he went up kiss jimin nose and at end he press lond kiss on jimin forhead while maintaining distance.

Jungkook : hyung I can't cheat on taehyung.

Jimin : I am happy that you didn't kiss me on lips if you did my hope will again rise up I thankful for that we don't cross any line of friendship. Now go I want to spend time alone.

Jungkook : call me if you need me

Jimin : if I call you will came then I will call you every minute, every second so you will stay with me forever don't go please came to me.

Jimin thought while looking at jungkook who was going to taehyung while leaving him alone. He wants someone besides him then he recall yoongi's word.










Jimin going to meet jungkook from Jeon mansion when he heard his name. He look look back where he saw yoongi standing in terrace and signal him to came up.

Jimin again came inside went to met yoongi. Yoongi told him to came and stand besides him both of them look at outer senary.

Yoongi : do you love jungkook

Jimin : obviously that's why I am here

Yoongi : ok if you love him then you also known that he is in love with taehyung .

Jimin : I know but I will make him fall for me.

Yoongi : jimin we can't make anyone to love someone even if we give our life but still love can't be forced.

Jimin : I will try till last until I will not accept my defect.

Yoongi : jimin I am sorry to say but you are begging for love . Love is a thing even we begg our life but we can't have it. It will only pity on you.
You can't pity for love. Jimin you have to understand you can't make jungkook yours till he himself don't agree without any force. If you force him you will have his body, his presence but not heart.

Jimin : .... ...............

Yoongi : I am not saying that you will not tell jungkook your feelings but don't force him by using dad let him make his own decision. If your love happiness is let him go then don't stop him. Jungkook will agree if dad will tell him without any questioning if you thought he will ready from his heart . If he is not happy how will he make you happy. Love is all about sacrifice you have to sacrifice yourself to your love happiness .

Jimin listening everything all is right if he force jungkook he will not be happy he will be loss himself somewhere where he can't reach, he will not the person he loves and cherish. Over it his secret if jungkook came to about he might will hate he will lose him as a friend also he can't let that happen before anything like this happen he will tell everything and leave everything on jungkook whom he wants

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