part 37

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Yoongi : love is always a sacrifice if you can't sacrifice yourself for your love than it never is your love then it's just obsession . I want you to think wisely doing anything cause many life depends upon you . You have to decide whatever is happened in future good or bad is all your responsibility.

Jimin look yoongi with confused face struggling about his own feelings.he loves jungkook but still there is a empty space in his heart .he can't let go jungkook but he also can't force after knowing jungkook love him .

First he did not know about jungkook feelings about jungkook feelings toward taehyung. He always thought everything was forced but when he came to know about jungkook confessed his feelings it broke his heart but still hope that he can get jungkook.

He might be selfish but his never intention to hurt someone he always want to jungkook to love him not by pressure ,not by forced , not by any restriction.

But he is the one who is doing everything that he never want. In craziness of getting love he forgot to love himself. He cross all lines to love someone by making misunderstanding, by manipulation, by taking advantage. He himself in fault. It is krama Or what even after seperating them  still their love is same.

He just obessed or any lovesick

He don't know .

Yoongi : If you are confuse about your feelings tell might I will help you by sharing your emotions let it out everything inside you .

Jimin : I love jungkook but I can't see with someone else who is me. It always make me angry seeing them together my whole body starting burning. If you want to know how much I love him then come with me.

Jimin hold yoongi hand and take him into car. They are silent in whole journey. They don't have anything to say just feeling are over coming them.

Both of them want their love but unable to reach them. They are facing same problem. But method of handling their situation is different.

One want love and other want happiness for his love.

If your love is not happy with them go and be their that angel who always with them in every condition, situation, difficulty, obstacles. Show them path of happiness not sadness it might give you Peace in your heart at least you able to show your love.

It's other decisions whom he or she choose. It their loss to lose their true lover.

They both reach at home or we can say jimin home where he never let anyone to came and touch anything. Yoongi is first person who is enter In his house.

Jimin take yoongi to his home.

He open his door where he saw a large painting of jungkook.

He eyes widen when is look around all house is filled with jungkook there is not a single corner where jungkook is not present. Even it pictured but his love for him is infinite there is no limits. Its limitless yoongi scared to see around it is crazy.

Yoongi : what the hell

Jimin : huu

Yoongi : this is crazy what the hell you are thinking by doing this.

Jimin : this is my love you know when I meet jungkook he was getting bully by some bastard I was the one who protect him I always give him shoulder to cry I did so much thing just to make him love me why he can't be my he has to mine I have all right to have him I am the one who love him first that taehyung always give him pain. You know one their first day of married life jungkook was roaming around road with injured hand I treat his hand why I has to sacrifice everything why he can't see my love.

Jimin bust out he is crying yoongi take him in hug let him cry on his embrace taking his all pain away.

Jimin : why no one loves me why I can't get love. My parents also don't love me I  am just burden on everyone

Yoongi : who said no one love you. I love you I know it just one month I met you but with I feel a strong connection toward you I want to control my feelings but I couldn't let me love you let me show it feels being loved my someone if today jungkook accept you i will always love from far if he didn't just be my side. Just give me one chance ok love

Yoongi press a long kiss on jimin forehead making him relax.















After jungkook left, Jimin cried hard.
He took his phone he called yoongi
Yoongi pick up his phone in few rings.

Yoongi : hello

Jimin : hey can you pick me up from xxxxx cafe ( I forget name so excuse me)

Yoongi : are you ok

Jimin : just came fast I can't breathe

Yoongi : hold on don't cut phone just listen to me take long breathe just focus on breathing and my voice when I say then breathe  now take in and take it out.

Yoongi try to distract jimin by sweet word after few minutes jimin able to take breathe while yoongi also reach their and take jimin with him.










Jungkook left from their he starting crying not to trust taehyung saying harsh word and never believe in his word when he always so much insecure about him that he couldn't gather himself to face reality.

He ashamed on himself now he will do everything to make taehyung happy he will give him all happiness he deserves. He will let taehyung to go away from him again.

With that thought he reach at home he start planning to confess his love and ready to accept taehyung.

Magical time skip

He decorated the house and make delicious dishes, arrange a beautiful date

Now jungkook is waiting for taehyung to  come home it already time he is nervous if taehyung doesn't accept him what if he left him again these thought are making him sick but he thinks that how taehyung wait for him never give up that give him co...

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Now jungkook is waiting for taehyung to  come home it already time he is nervous if taehyung doesn't accept him what if he left him again these thought are making him sick but he thinks that how taehyung wait for him never give up that give him courage to confess and stand for his love.

To be continued

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