part 22

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Mark : its jungkook husband house his name KIM TAEHYUNG.

Jimin don't say anything after few seconds he heard shout from other side.


Jimin : I am, so bye

Jimin cut call without listening any response. He is in huge shock. He sit on sofa again his leg is not working.

Few minutes later, jimin start laughing. His prey is his paw for long time but he didn't recognized him. Kim taehyung proposed him ever when he is married to his love of life according to him but it's obsession.
Now every single thing is ringing in his ear.

Kim taehyung Kim taehyung Kim taehyung his bunny 's husband. Now he has to get rid of taehyung.

I wanted to kill that taehyung now he forgot his friendship, his business and even his life he is betting his everything just for jungkook. This is obsession  if you can't love yourself then you can't anyone else too. This thing is not coming in his mind his whole body and soul  want jungkook is his side even he has to become criminal to kill taehyung.but now doesn't have to do anything. Because he has taehyung in his side.

Kim taehyung loves him and  he loves jungkook .

Now jungkook is his. He will use taehyung on his figure.

Jimin : now game began. Let's see who will have jungkook.

Even he think that what jungkook want. He even asked jungkook that he loves him or not. He wants him like him or not. His love is selfish. When love combined with selfishness it convert into obsession. It is not pure love.

Jimin : from today, I will destroy every single connection  with your family jungkook and I will keep you with forever. Just wait a little we will start our new life where just you and me.
No one else. This time you just mine .

Next morning taekook get up and they do their routine but they have different kind of nervous around them which can't let them in peace. Both are awkward around each other's side. Both don't want to talk about night things.Jungkook is giving time to taehyung to understand his feelings are just in friends zone or more than that. Meanwhile taehyung is thinking that he should tell that he have someone in his life or let the things with flow.

Taehyung wants to tell but he can't hurt jungkook also. So he keep his mouth just do things normally to make less tension between them.

After breakfast taehyung go to office. Like always everyone greet him morning. He went to his office where he saw someone sitting in sofa reading magazine which on table. He is covering his with magazine. When he listened someone coming and opening the door. He down his magazine .

Taehyung : oh jiminie what are doing early in his morning.

Jimin : first good morning.

Taehyung : good morning now tell me.

Jimin : what happened last night. I want you to give answer what you ask me but it comes to know you are hidding something form me I can't with lie you are telling me.

Taehyung : I didn't lie to you my feelings towards you are true.

Jimin : then what about your h.. Hu.. Husband you are hidding from me. My tell me when he came that you are already married what about my feelings you confessed so easily you are cheating on your husband with me. You want me be your mistress who will you give you pleasure besides your husband. It is true. I love you. You know when are confessing me I know you are married. You are married taehyung what are you doing is wrong. You are playing with two heart.

Taehyung : I know that I hid the fact I am married but trust me there is no relation between us like husband. I never sleep with him. I just want you if you want I will divorce him just give me few months I will file divorce then we will together.

Jimin : I can't I can't be second person in your life taehyung I love you so much.

Taehyung : you aren't second person in life you always be my first .

Jimin : really.

jimin look at taehyung with sparkle eyes which made taehyung happy at least jimin understand him now he have to talk to jungkook.

Taehyung : really will you be my boyfriend .

Jimin : I will I am so happy taehyung you give me my whole world ( jungkook)

Taehyung : you are my everything jimin.

Jimin : then divorced him give him to me

Taehyung : I will.

Jimin : I love you so much don't betray me unless I betray you.

Taehyung : I love you too. Now finally you are my boyfriend.

Jimin : don't tell about my name to your husband I don't want him to think anything bad about me. We will keep our relationship secret ok.

Taehyung : but... Ok jungkook love me what will I say to him if want my answer I should ignore him for sometimes he will not hurt. When divorce papers will ready I will tell him. I know he will understand me like always. Now let's enjoy this moment with my love.
Whole day taehyung and jimin spend together whole time taehyung is the one who is tell his childhood memories to jimin but jimin is less interesting in it. But he didn't show it. He keep smiling with Taehyung. Taehyung also ignore weird behavior of jimin. He thinks jimin is nervous because their is first day of their relationship.

Taehyung : when I was ten their is a guest came to our home. I was with my baby sitter. My parents came after one week trip of Japan. They totally forgot about me. They didn't even call to ask how I am ,what I am doing , if I die or still living because I have high fever when they left me but my papa didn't came to check me he just pack their clothes and call granny to come and take care of me . I was upset that time of pee on them. And they cancel their deal with appa. After that they scold me so much. My granny came and take me to room without listening them and lock the room. I sleep crying when I wake up next day. I saw their is luggage but this time not my parents but me. They forcely send me to boarding to make me discipline  child who just follow other order without any objective do what they say. But I don't want to be like this I want to do what I want. I used getting bully I was waiting for come to me ask that I was doing great or not. I have any problem but they never come. Only granny come to me. I tell about my bullies she complained about them. But in these seven years I saw my friend parents come to meet them in every one more or spend their weekend with them I was lonely they never came to see for one time they just spend granny to. How can called themselves parents jimin they are heartless. They just love their company or their own self they never care about me . Now they say  sorry what they now I don't want them. They are useless people who just know how to make money.

Jimin : shhh don't cry now I am with you I will make every thing fine we will stay together ok. I felt bad for him but what I can do I am also longing for happiness which I see in jungkook. He gives me happiness no, no He is my happiness I can't let it go I am sorry taehyung but I have to.

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