part 35

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Surprise Double update

Jeon : I will try

Suddenly yoongi left from their he can't hold his emotions his eyes are getting wett so he can't risk to see him like that so immediately lock his door and start crying heart of it.

First time he loves someone who didn't love him but his younger brother. He know his brother will not ever love him he will have to do something before his dad convinced jungkook to date jimin while staying with taehyung it is like cheating how his father think like that to help someone to cheat on his husband.

Meanwhile jimin looking at disappearing figure till he totally get out from his sight. He feels like he is losing a huge part of him he can see sadness in other eyes when he told about everything he can feel that other like him but he loves jungkook he have to make jungkook his.

Even he called selfish so he is. He will anything for his happiness what's wrong about it . Like that he ignore yoongi and let out from their after convincing Jeon for this relationship.

Meanwhile jungkook is sitting on sofa in living room whole home is silent cause taehyung didn't came from last night accident. He was worried about him so he waited taehyung to came but he didn't so he ended sleeping in sofa. When he waked up he didn't find him .

Taehyung didn't came whole night and in morning also. He did his morning routine he didn't feel like having breakfast so he left that part he get ready to met jimin. He didn't make lunch caused he knows taehyung at office now so he will not came home.

After getting ready he left and went to their usual hang out cafe. He saw no one is their whole cafe is empty when a waiter came and guide him inside where all dark and he is standing middle while spot light is falling on him .

He saw another spot light which is falling on jimin making him visible. Jimin wake towards him and take out a bouque of red roses which is symbol of love. He get on his knee and said

Jimin : I know I am late to confess my feelings toward you is not a friend should have but it is more than that. Yes Jeon jungkook I love you as man to do another man, a lover to do his lover. I love you for 7 years. Whole seven years I spent to image our future I dream about having you in arm, I want to sleep with seeing your face I want to wake up besides you. I want out child playing around us . Jungkook you don't know how much I love you. I never want to loss you that's why I always kept my mouth shut . When I listened about our marriage I was so happy I was on seven cloud my all dreams about were going to fulfil but all these happen you were forced to marry that taehyung and fall in love with him I am not saying to give me his place in your heart I will make myself a place in your heart we will create our family together so will you be my boyfriend jungkook.

Jungkook is silently listening he can't give jimin false hope he knows that he never can love someone who is not taehyung . He have to make everything clear.

Jungkook take jimin hand made him stand up he took him to near by table he told everyone to go outside for their private moment . He can't refuse jimin infront of every one and embrace him so he told in that tone that everyone thought that he is shy to accept the proposal so they left .

He again face jimin who is smiling brightly thinking jungkook accept him . Jungkook start talking to him.

Jungkook : jimin I don't know that you are loving as lover than a friend but if you asked me I always see you as a friend, as a hyung . I never have intentions to hurt you like that but I can't love you when my heart already belongs to taehyung . I know that taehyung break my heart intensely or unintentionally but he did. I can't control my heart jimin even I try my whole life to love you I will not never succeed and I will also cause damage in your life .

Jimin : if you can't forget him how can you accept me to move on from you . I truly love you . If you love him then I also love you if you can't take him out from your heart how can I take you out from my heart. It's hurt so much to see you with him I die every second in a hope one day you will love me from our teenage. I love you first you are mine to have. You also have to love me jungkook like I do . Please love me. Love me. Jungkook

Jimin starting crying hard jungkook take him in his embrace to calm him down. He let him out his all emotions. He can also understand his pain.

He just want ask to God why he made love so painful. Why if you love someone that someone don't love you it make your life hell. Why can't everyone live happy without having pain.

Love is beautiful feeling but still painful. Love make your life heaven but in other side love can turn your life into hell. Even you try you can't out from there you have to rotten in that hell for whole life.

After jimin calm down, jimin break their hug he looks at jungkook eyes which is showing guilt for not able return his love, concern for his pain, worry about his future, sadness for cause of his pain and state but that there is one emotion he wants to see toward him is love he have all emotions rather than love.

He intensely looking at jungkook eyes which is looking like he is readying jungkook completely. He can be selfish but he is not a vilain in their life . He wants to hero in jungkook life he himself don't know he became vilain to separate two lover just for his love who is never his.

He see how much his eyes hold love for taehyung not for him his happiness is taehyung not him yoongi is right he never be happy if he will with him . If jungkook will not happy how can he will be in peace. He finally decided to let him go his brain is reminding what yoongi said to before going.

Jimin wants to tell whole truth he can't hide it. One day he have to. If someone else will tell jungkook then he feel like he betrays him at least he will have him as his friends. He wants to continue his friends without any secret without any regret he will ask forgiveness from everyone for his sin.

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