part 25

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Now taehyung and jungkook sitting in front of each other. Both of them don't have courage to make conversation. Still taehyung decided to break silence while looking at jungkook blank or poker face. He doesn't showing any expression and his eyes are totally empty without any emotion it looking like jungkook loss his whole emotion in one night. But still inside him a hope of getting everything better.

Just like his mom said don't loss hope. he is trying to keep some hope but it looking like he is losing his whole world but try to some hope inside him  which will lead to his destiny, his fate
and his future.

Taehyung : jungkook first I want to say I am sorry. I know you will hurt after knowing that I have someone else beside me even when I know you love me. But you both are important to me I can't loss any of two. I see you as my soulmate and him as my love even one of them I loss I will lost myself. I know I am being selfish but I really want to tell everything but I don't have courage to tell you. I know you have right on me but I being coward I can't give you that husband right . You are in this mess because of me and my family I am sorry jungkook please forgive me.

Jungkook : you are right taehyung I have right on you but you still choose to betray me you destroy my life first in my whole life I feel like betraying is most painful feeling you can't even what you feel when other was playing with your feeling just because he is just thinking about only himself. I love you now look at me what I get in return just tear and a scar which will haunt me my whole life when I told you I love you. You had to told me their that I don't have any space in your heart for me but you did opposite by giving me hope. You should not give someone false hope when that person feeling doesn't matter to you.

Taehyung : you are matter to me jungkook. You are first person I open up but I am not enough for you.

Jungkook : what a excuse that you are not enough you are enough to love him or her why can't you enough to love me.

Taehyung : jungkook what are you saying I know I did wrong but I don't mean to give you false hope but I can't love you like a husband love his husband. I know I am selfis....

Jungkook : selfish right now I will become selfish also you know that you will regret everything you did to me. I am not that who will take every pain which will given by other. You change me just like you .you destroy me from inside. I can't forgive or forget what you have done. Now I will make decisions you have to follow that.

Taehyung : what....

Jungkook : lets go

Taehyung : where are you taking me

Jungkook : you will know just get inside.

Jungkook drag taehyung to car and push him on front sit will he go to driver sit. And he start driving while whole time taehyung just looking at jungkook in confusion.

He never show jungkook that cold and never expect him to react like this but still he doesn't say anything cause he know all fault is his noone else. He is one who decided to close his mouth when he should everything. What was happened he can't change anything so he have accept what will happen to him.

Taehyung whole just looking at jungkook to read him but jungkook face didn't showing any emotion which make him more scar. Suddenly car stop he look at outside find out they are kim mension.

Jungkook : get out

Taehyung : hmmm

Jungkook : I said get out.

Taehyung didn't move from his sit so jungkook came out from car ,give care key to him and he turn to taehyung.
He open car grab taehyung wrist and drag taehyung inside . He ring door bell.


Kim namjoon, Kim seokjin and Kim hyna are sitting on breakfast table while they hear door bell. One of their maid open door revealing taehyung and jungkook. Maid bow at them and they also bow in return they don't to disrespectful towards them. Kim also look at jungkook who is dragging taehyung forcefully which made them worried.

Kim hyna : good morning dear what happened both of you came first time at home after your marriage but my you look tense.

Both of them don't say anything just look at each other. Which made them more worry.

Kim hyna : what happen bear why are you not saying anything.

Jungkook : he will not say anything because he is coward . He can't even face truth even after what happened you still didn't saying anything speak up for one time or else I will help you with that .

Kim namjoon : what is happening taehyung say something.

Kim seokjin : taehyung bear relex dont force him like that give him time to speak.

Jungkook : even he had to speak he didn't now what will he speak now.

Hyna : jungkook tell me what happen.

Jungkook : first let my father come here I will tell you everything.

Taehyung don't say anything just looking at jungkook. He saw jungkook new side. Once he was bubbly, cute, innocent who will forgive anyone but because of him he lost himself which is eating him alive.

( I know you are all confused to see jungkook new version who is standing for himself for first time he is showing his anger to everyone because he goes through so much pain which makes him so num but he thought why always him to suffer while he didn't do anything but at last he found he is the one who is in fault because he let everyone hurt him he never stand for himself then why he will expect to anyone stand by his beside. So he decided to fight with his weakness and wanted them to convert to his strength)

In next part we will see what will jungkook do . He will let taehyung go or not.

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